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i found out the harsh truth.

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If you really love the person, aren't nervous, and carry the proper prespective (emotional and spiritual rather then physical) it won't be as good as you expect.... it will be better.


As for how the other person tastes, your missing the point. When you do oral its not about pleasing yourself, its about pleasing the other person. The joy comes from knowing that you are giving this person whom you love and want to make happy, an unforgettable experience.

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Ya personally i havent really done both but i personally think i would find kissing much more intense and exciting for me then sex.Well im not thinking of pleasure but thinking about love.After reading and hearing how people treat sex it kind of grosses me out ruining what i see sex as.So many of my friends just want to get to sex with their gf's its not even funny.Or how many people see it.I dont really see it as that great anymore.

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yes women taste differant down there, I keep myself clean and well groomed in that area, as well as I expect that she should to, its a respect thing not only for yourself but for her to.


Personally, I like going down on a lover, and the more she is in to it, the more i want to stay down there, if they could come up with a snokel for that I would buy stock in it so that i wouldnt have to come up for air....LOL


As for the other question on masterbation, nope dont care for it, figure if i have a lover, no need for it, I enjoy sex way to much for that...

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