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texting advice thankyou

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i text the guy i fancy too much .. is there anything i can do to redeem myself other than stop contacting. when he does text me they are very sweet texts, i wondered if anyone has opinions on what make a good text or shall i just cut down !! : )

ps we are in different countries .. if we dont text for a while what is a good way of saying hi after a few weeks ? something flirty but not too keen ? thanks !!!!!!

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As sneaky as it may be, write him a TXT that you KNOW he'll definatly respond. Something that you know he can't resist answering. If he answers THAT, then you can assume he found the first txt too embarrassing to respond to.

Also, by doing this, if you wish, both of you can just forget that txt like it never happened.

That way you can avoid an awkward momment.

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