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I cant decide.... (NEED HELP GIRLS)

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I talked to my g/f, about going out with anyother girl just as friends. This other girl is a friend from work, she just got out of a bad relationship and i really like to be there as a good friend. My g/f is going crazy, she keeps saying that i am cheating on her with this girl, but i'm not.


This all started maybe 3 1/2 weeks ago and it has gotten very bad. I dont know what to do and i really like it if u people can help me out.


I been dating Sara almost 3 weeks, then this girl from work Kim, wants to go out as friends and my g/f is going crazy, why???



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Sorry to hear that you are stuck in this situation. What you need to think about is how much your g/f means to you. Is it worth loosing her by helping the other girl out? You are taking a risk by being there for your friend and neglecting your g/f. Put yourself in your g/f's shoes. Would you be ok if she was spending time with a guy friend to support him. Be honest with yourself. I hope things work out for you. Good luck.

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good advice tylor,

i think you really hit the mark.

ice_03: i think that you need to sit ur g/f down and tell her that you arent cheating on her and that you are just trying to be a good friend to this other girl. why dont you just all go out together. or maybe invite them both over for dinner and a movie at your place. just try not to leave your g/f out cause then you will be really screwed. g0od luck

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