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I have a little problem.

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Ummmm just like the topic says. Recently, I had my first time at sex and I couldnt really keep it up But the thing is that before this, I could get it up real easy and I could do it without touching myself or anyone touching me and I could keep it for like the longest time. After my first time, all the other times my gf tried to engage in anything sexual, I couldnt get it up or I couldnt keep it up. Whats wrong with me???!

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You're a freak!!! OK seriously, it's normal, its just nerves, I think EVERYONE has had this happen to them at one point or another. Once you relax a bit and get more comfortable you should be fine with it. Just don't let it get to you and learn to laugh it off, you'll look back at this one day and have a good giggle about it...trust me

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Everyone is telling you to relax and enjoy it. I assume that IS what you are trying to do. If it's your first time (and maybe the next couple of times) it's perfectly normal to be nervous. Take it slow. Don't jump right into it. Do a LOT of foreplay to get you comfortable with being naked and in this position with your g/f. And yes, like someone else mentioned, don't whack off as much. Especially a day or two before you know you are going to have sex.

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