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I fear my life is over, i might as well end it now

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I'm depressed, more than anyone here, believe me...


i dont think anyone can get more depressed,


my exg/f just messaged me today after 2 weeks of NC, telling me she thinks shes pregnant, after she got off the phone i vomited for about 15 minutes i felt so sick and disgusted because of her.


she will go to planned parenthood (with MY parents) because she doesnt trust me, and will see if shes pregnant, god im so f****ing hurt, im so depressed and hurt and i hate her so much,


how can i get an emancipation? if i get an emancipation then my parents wont have to pay child support right???


what should i do?!?!?

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just relax...you are shocked, and hurt-and it is the worst of it right now...believe me that things will work out. And as far as I know, Planned Parenthood usually entails going through the pregnancy and then putting the baby up for adoption, so in that case there would be no child support. Another thing to realize is that she might not know for sure yet-those early pregnancy tests give a lot of false positive results.


Just take it easy a little bit until you know all the facts, until the facts are all there, instead of guesses and speculation. And if you continue to have these thoughts of hurting yourself, tell your parents now and they can help you through it, or tell someone else that you can trust.

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I'm depressed, more than anyone here, believe me...


i dont think anyone can get more depressed,


my exg/f just messaged me today after 2 weeks of NC, telling me she thinks shes pregnant, after she got off the phone i vomited for about 15 minutes i felt so sick and disgusted because of her.


she will go to planned parenthood (with MY parents) because she doesnt trust me, and will see if shes pregnant, god im so f****ing hurt, im so depressed and hurt and i hate her so much,


how can i get an emancipation? if i get an emancipation then my parents wont have to pay child support right???


what should i do?!?!?


Bro, relax.


Take your ex, GET HER TESTED!!!. She might be messing with you.


If she is indeed pregnant, try to persuade her to get an abortion dude. At the age of 16, a baby will wreck your life.


If she is indeed pregnant, then be a man and accept responsibility for what you've done and help her take care of the baby.

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time to grow into those BALLS that you just excersised.


Gosh Shadows, dont be so rough on him. It's a very scary situation, he is freaking out. She was just as irresponsible as he was.


That aside, dude, you need to relax. As the others have said, your life could indeed be tons worse. The both of you should try and take as much responsibility as you can, now that there is the possibility of a baby. Talk to your parents, consider a councelor.


There is no worth in harming yourself or your gf. Believe us when we say you will get through all of this OK.

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Pending... I appologize for being so stringent. As a mother and as a woman this is a very touchy subject.


It is truly not the end of the world. And you do need to get a "grip".


Can you talk to your parents?????? are they open enough for that??


Is there any other guy in your life that you can talk to.. I'm sure this is a universal concern and others have walked this line before you.


First and formost... you are not in it alone. Your "x" is scared. And she's as scared as you are right now. Since its her body... probably more so. And you need to be to be the stronger one of the two right now.


Call planned parenthood for yourself.. if you are not going with her. They'll be there to talk to you...and tell you what your options are. And they also help guys out with information and contraceptives. The more education you have and more knowledge you have... you'll be able to best protect yourself and your future partners.


Intimacy is a wonderful and beautiful thing. And unfortunately it has its consequences. I'm sorry that you've hit on one of those road blocks.


If it turns out that she's not pregnant.. breathe a sigh of relief..and then protect yourself in the future. Even if your GF says she's on the PILL... until you know you can deal with the fall out of an OOOPSIE... protect both of you.


It really is ok... your not the first.. you are not the last. Call her. Calm both of yourselves down. And yeah... relax. Whats done is done.


Did she take a home pregancy test????? how late is she????? Maybe you can have your parents call her parents.. if its already in the open... and offer to pay for a pregnancy test... tonight. Enough blame to go around... so ... no blame game... done is done. Just take responsibility and consider your options now. Breathe... Relax... and it will be ok.

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ok I see your first post was deleted and you just wrote a decent post-consider my last statements retracted...


Be strong, relax, and listen to the people who care for you. This is indeed a major thing in your young life, but its not the worst either. The way you handle this will dictate the life you will have in the future. DOn't be scared...relax.... breathe and be by her side. I know its knew to you but you need to show her that you;re a MAN and can HANDLE your THing. Sure its tough, but you're stronger than this and will make it through. Just be by her side, tell her you love her, tell her you;re here and not going anywhere. Tell her you are behind her 100% and will continue to do so as long as she feels it necessary.


Eat something, watch a game, life goes on, and be cool, you;re alive and healthy, you;re lucky for such a miracle to happen for ya, so live in the moment, life isn't over...in fact .....it's just beginning.

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Thank you for the support everyone, it really makes me feel good to know im not alone in this, but i cant really eat, havent much an appetite, and when i do eat, i vomit (not intentionally or wanteed either), i just get so depressed because of the breakup, it seems like she broke up with me just yesterday after she had contacted me again after the 2 weeks of NC, its like everything was rebooted to the way it was...


Ill get her tested, and we'll see if shes really pregnant, thank you everyone, take care, i wont be posting here anymore, im actually gonna just sell everything of value to buy a car, lol, so i probably wont have this computer anymore


this is making me realize what i really want in life, and what i want is a d@mn car, and tons of condoms

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