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how do you organize your time with friends?

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Do you usually hang out with a friend every single weekend, or one friend on this weekend, another friend on the next?


Another question: How do you avoid your friendships from slipping back into acquaintances? Example, "lets meet at the show, man." Then later on in time it becomes "There's another show that you could go to." or "Yeah, I hear it's going to be a cool show. Anyways man, I gotta go. Bye."

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I really like this topic. I was just pondering on the same things today, since I just got acquainted with the not-being-a-student-anymore kind of thing. In the weekends I am usually so tired, that I only meet up with one or two people. I need the time for myself, since my current job involves constant contact with people.


I think a great way of keeping your friendships alive is really be active yourself. It is easy for a friendship to sort of fall apart when you move over to the next fase of your life, or if you or the friend gets involved in a relationship. If I meet with a friend, I meet them at my or his/her place. It's cheap and I can cook dinner or we can cook together.


The most important thing is to make it quality time, if the quantity is decreasing due to circumstances. I take care that I keep my friends updated on the changes that have been going on. During working days, I will send textmessages, just to say hi, which also helps.


Sometimes you cannot help a friendship from falling apart. Your ways simply part there. It has to come from both sides, the same as in a relationship, I guess.



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I definitely agree with quality over quantity. I've been married for a long time and have 2 kids, so I don't get a whole lot of "me" time. When I do, I generally have lunch with a friend or we may go browse the mall since all of us are broke, lol!


It's hard sometimes because I'd like to see my friends more often than I am able. We all live such busy lives, especially here in Silicon Valley. Regardless of that, I know that I can count on my friends to be there if I need them and to me that's what's important.


Friendships do evolve over time. Sometimes the bonds get stronger and sometimes people drift apart. It's true for any relationship. I just go with the flow. Each person in our lives leaves an imprint on our heart, some temporary and some forever. I know I'm sappy!!

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Do you usually hang out with a friend every single weekend, or one friend on this weekend, another friend on the next?


Another question: How do you avoid your friendships from slipping back into acquaintances? Example, "lets meet at the show, man." Then later on in time it becomes "There's another show that you could go to." or "Yeah, I hear it's going to be a cool show. Anyways man, I gotta go. Bye."

I'd also like to know the secret...


Well, I think it's quite impossible to "avoid friendships slipping back into an acquiantanceship." It's either going to become a friendship or not. If there was "hanging out" involved (for instance, from co-workers or classmates), then only time will tell if that will be a friendship or not. And not all "hanging out" friendships mean they are true friends or anything. Sometimes it's just that people have busy lives and that sort. By the time there is time, it can be months later.


I guess... I am no expert, but that's just what I've observed...

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