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How do I act to keep her interested?

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My ex is dating someone and has been since March, I did the NC thing for 2 months to get more over her, and we have been talking for the past 2 months off and on, calls always initiated by her. Well after another 2 weeks of silence she calls and wants to hang out even though she has a boyfriend.


She says she wants to kiss me to see if there is still feelings there and she cannot tell me why she wants to do this and what she will do if the feelings are there. She did tell me she is still attracted to me and misses me. She has been calling wanting to talk about this all last week, she doesn't say she is having problems with her boyfriend and they seem to be fine but just wants to find out if the feelings for me are still there.


Well I didn't know what to say to her and I just told her I was still attracted to her and still care about her, and not much else. I am still very attracted to her and love her and am wondering what to do to keep her interest peaked to where she would want to break up w/her boyfriend and start something w/me again. I don't want her to act overly desparate for her as I think it would scare her off, but should I remain cool?


She has been quiet the last couple days as she has not called me as much, but do you think she'll start to REALLY persue me or back off because I am not fawning all over her. How do I act in this situation?

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first of all...if you love her, you will want her to be happy, no matter who shes with, so if they are happy, then you should not make any move...




since i am in a similar situation, just keep talking to her, going places with her, friend stuff. Have a campfire or something. unfortuniatly, the only real thing you can do is keep doing what your doing, and wait. If things are susposed to work themselves out so that your together in the end, then they will. just gotta have faith i guess


so yeah. keep in touch with her, go places, hang out, dont do anything stupid, lol


hope this helps, cause if it does for you, then it will for me too



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Maybe meeting is ok.. if you two still have unresolved issues to discuss or, perhaps, she is seeing what she is missing out on and wants to make another go at it but doesn't want to risk a true plunge.


It's called Eating your Cake and Having it Too.


Meet for coffee during the day... or at some other neutral spot.


But, for both your sakes, don't kiss her.. or even touch her... except for maybe a hello and goodbye hug. Make it clear that she cannot have her cake and eat it too. It's you or him... she needs to make her own mind up based upon how she feels.. not whether the kiss goes well. That's a total excuse to have something else make up her mind for her.

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