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when do i take the test

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Ok..this is probably gonna sound like a stupid question from someone who has had a baby before, but the situations have been different. the first time i was pregnant, i took a pregnancy test when i was almost 100% sure i was about 2 months pregnant.


I had unprotected sex on Monday night with the guy i mentioned in my last post about staying at his house. I thought i was alright, but then i remembered i hadnt taken my B.C. .so idk im a little worried right now. My question is..when do i take the test, how soon can i take it. I bought a Clear Blue Easy Read pregnancy test and it says not to take it until 19 days after i had sex?? I dont know how im gonna go about everything for almost 3 weeks not knowing. Is this 100% true, i cant take it any sooner??



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I think there's a OTC test where you can take it on the first day of your missed period. They measure hormone levels in your urine, which wouldn't show up this early. I'm not sure how much earlier a blood test would show. If you have a Planned Parenthood near you I'd give them a buzz.

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Sweet heart.... if you have your period now. You are not pregnant...or the chances of you being pregnant are one in a million.....


Throw yourself a party... And next time remember to use something. Missing one day on your BC won't hurt you too much. Double up on the next day. Just don't make a habit of it.

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I really would advise that you call a clinic and see if you can get an appt. More than likely they would have you wait until you've missed your period, but if you're really concerned they may be able to put your mind at ease. I'm not sure how long it takes to measure the pregnancy hormones. I should know, I have 2 kids, lol!! You can check out this website too:


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Hope this helps you and that everything turns out O.K.

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Sweet heart.... if you have your period now. You are not pregnant...or the chances of you being pregnant are one in a million.....


Throw yourself a party... And next time remember to use something. Missing one day on your BC won't hurt you too much. Double up on the next day. Just don't make a habit of it.


There is actually a decent enough chance that she could get pregnant while on her period, esp at a young age, ovulation tends to be all over the place and sperm can remain in the cervix & vagina for up to 5 days after sex.


There are some pregnancy tests that can test for the pregnanct hormone HCG up to 5 days before your next period is due, they are not 100% accurate though so your best bet is to wait until your period is late than then take the test.


Best of luck and use protection! You are too young to be a mom to one baby let alone two!

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I agree with hope.


Also, there is a tablet called the morning after pill I've used it years ago. I think you have to take it within the first 72 hours. Next time something goes wrong be responsible, don't wait go and see your doctor!


Hope everything turns out ok.

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Thank-you Hope... I hadn't thought of that factor that she's not cycling regularly. I stand corretced. And yes... too true... the younger you are the more fertile. Don't I know it. Many bouts in the rink with fertility problems later in life.


Your prenancy test kit will pick up the minutest amount of hormone... can't remember if its FHS or HCG... but its the one thats triggers your test strip. And on the back of the box it will tell you that you can do it at anytime. Try testing with your morning urine. Its more concentrated and will give the best results.


No.. don't give yourself panic attacks for the next 3 weeks. Test in the next few days. Its worth the $10 to calm your nerves.

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No Problem Shadows...


She can definitely try a test now, but a negative result might be inaccurate, and she would want to test again when she misses her period. The hormone is HCG, and it might not be detectable until she misses a period, as the level of HCG doubles every 2-3 days after conception, and then becomes more reliably detectable. While not necessary, morning urine is best as it is more concetrated, as you mentioned.


"Tests performed too early in the pregnancy, before there is a significant hCG level, may give false-negative results, while blood or protein in the urine may cause false-positive results. Urine hCG tests may give a false negative result in very dilute urine. Patients should not drink large amounts of fluid before collecting a urine sample for a pregnancy test.


Certain drugs such as diuretics and promethazine (an antihistamine) may also cause false-negative urine results. Other drugs such as anti-convulsants, anti-parkinson drugs, hypnotics, and tranquilizers may cause false-positive results.


There are reports of false positive serum hCG results due to several different compounds (not drugs) that may interfere with the test. These include certain types of antibodies that may be present in some individuals and fragments of the hCG molecule. Generally, if results are questionable, they may be confirmed by testing with a different method."


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I'm sorry you have had to deal with infertility! I have a friend who just had her first baby conceived through IVF and I know how hard that was on her and her husband.

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It's highly unlikely since you just had unprotected sex on Monday night and it's just Friday now. You are going to need to wait until at the very earliest 5 days before your next period is due. Even then you will need to take another to confirm the result until your period is late.


Girl, use condoms next time, OK?

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ok a girl has a 28 day cycle well thats a normal cycle so from there u count 14 days day one being the first day or ur period then on day 14 is when u can get pregnant. sperm can live inside u for im pretty sure like 5 days so if u have unprotected sex 5 days before day 14 u can possibly also get pregnant. so if u are pregnant it probably happened around that time when i have taken a pregnancy test i wait 10 days after the day i had sex and it hasnt failed me yet. or u can wait till the day after ur missed period which i think is what the box says. well hope this helps u

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bbygrl... thats not entirely true.. You are on the right track. Everyone ovulates at a different time. You are going by reported averages. MY average is that I ovulate between day 11-13.... and I know that because I spent years on feritilty treatments. Taking my temp for years. Early morning BASAL TEMP.. and then later doing ovulation predictor kits.


There are women... rare. That dump and egg right before period or during.


If you are using that rythem method... OMG.. very unpredictable.. get something else more effective.

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Shadows is right. A teenage girl in particular tends to have a varied schedule for ovulation. It is very rare that it is that regular, and many women never have a regular schedule.


The pregnancy hormone HCG needs to be in detectable levels in order for a test to accurately come up positive. 10 days after conception, is in unlikely that there will be enough hormone to accurately detect it. Since HCG levels double every day following conception, waiting a few more days, like when your period is missed, is the best time to do the test.

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I am not sure why you took it so early, it cannot tell you you are pregnant or not so early. Once the egg fertilizes, it has to move down the fallopian tubes and implant before it starts releasing the hormones, this can take days, a week to implant, then more days to release enough hormones.


Yes you can test 5 days before missed period, but it is not as accurate if it is negative, as it may just mean not enough hormones are present yet. If it tests positive, you ARE pregnant, however you may still lose the pregnancy before you even miss period...most women never even know they were pregnant at this stage and lose a pregnancy within first couple weeks of pregnancy due to problems with the genetic code or development of the fertilized egg.


If you miss your period, test again.


And yes, women can get pregnant at ANYTIME...what the books say is not always when women ovulate in REAL life, unless you know your ovulation dates (like Shadow does from fertility treatments) you have to go along the guideline of "it can happen ANYTIME".


Good luck.

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