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I cut, bruise and burn myself and i have done since i was 11. I am now depening on alcohol. Everything is dark, no-one understands me, its like a shaddow has come over me. how can i stop drinking? how can i stop huting myself. my mum thinks i have stopped cutting and such but i haven't. She doesnt know about my alcohol probblem. how can i tell her i need help? last time she just got angry and thort it was just a phase. i cant face that again. is there anyway i can get help without my mum knowing? .. im 15 later this month. i no what your thinking a stupid little girl who drinks too much. and your right i suppose i am stupid and i can't stop drinking. its the hollidays and its worse as i have nothing to preoccupy me. Can anyone help me? how can i stop? how can i get my life back? i sick of this. i really am.





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I'm sorry you are hurting and that your mom isn't taking your pain seriously! You are not stupid, so please get that idea out of your head, o.k.? You need help and you know that and want that which is the first step.


I don't know what kind of help is available to you in England. Here in the states there are many programs. Have a heart to heart with your mom and let her know how much pain you are REALLY in and how desperately you need help. She may be in denial, but I'm sure she loves and doesn't want to see you hurt, especially by your own hand. Do you have any other adults that you can trust? Maybe a hotline? Like I said I don't know what resources are available to you there. Take care and hang in there!

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Hey pumpkin,


I really don't think you are stupid. You sound like a teen that is worried about her life, and I can see why. Alcohol is difficult to stop-- if you see the number of adults trying to quit and fail, how would anyone think you are stupid for not being able to?


I think you need professional help. Do you drink to avoid cutting? Clearly, the reason why you started cutting in the past and are still both cutting and drinking is NOT eliminated.


You can get help at certain telephone numbers, talking here you can get support, but I need you need to go to your GP in the first place. Does he/she know at all?


I am so sorry that life weighs so heavy on your shoulders. I hope you will feel better and start feeling differentl soon.


Take care,



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I live in England.


You're on school holidays for 6 weeks in total so go to your G.P. and tell him/her everything. About the drinking as well. You've got to be truthful.


I think you should go and see the G.P. by yourself that way there's no reason for you to feel guilty about what you say in front of your mother.


You could also go to the Citizen's Advice Bureau. They should have phone numbers for support organisations.


Finally, make sure these problems are sorted out now because it is harder to sort them later in life.


I'm 42 and I'm still sorting out problems. I see a psychiatrist (there's no taboo about seeing one now). Over the years I've got drunk to 'blot' out problems and I've also self harmed.


Take it from me the problems don't go away unless you deal with them properly!


Let me know how you get on.


Good luck and take care.

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the only way you can get help..is to help yourself. The firststep to healing someone is for them to help themselves get out of the mess Consider going to rehab for acholics. And tell them your whole story. DO NOT GO TO YOUR MOM AGAIN ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


dont confront your mom with it again. It is just hurting you more which makes you want to cut and drink more. So please consider my advice. i have seen someone go through with this and the outcome was she had a short life and ended up dead. SO consider rehab


if you need ANYONE to talk to please p.m. me and i will give you my email

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Hey pumpkin fairy- , somebody failed you down the line or it's in you wiring to be accustomed to drinking. I think you should let your mom know, what's going on. Your way to young to drink alcahol and know how to control it at a safe level. Let someone you know who's closest to you, the problem. I know it's totally against what you want to hear, but you know it's wrong so that's a good start. Tell your mom. She should know what's going on with her daughter, maybe when she finds out your drinking also, it will make her start to think more about your problems and maybe hers. Goodluck

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Good advice Tigris! I wasn't sure what you guys have available in England since I live in the states. Bottom line, get some help and do tell your mom. She loves you and is in the best position to get you the help you need. Take care!!

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I don't know what the age of 'adultness' is there in England. In Canada, if someone is under 16, the doctor has the right to decide whether or not the person is causing enough harm to themselves to warrant intervention, and I know they can break patient/doctor confidentiality because you're still a minor. I don't really hear of that happening a lot, but I know not all doctors are willing to be discreet when the person is still under 16. I had a friend who's doctor told their parents about her cutting because he decided she was "causing harm to self or others". I don't know what you're doctor's like, but I thought I'd add that.


To me though, everyone's right going to your doctor seems like the best plan still.

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hi jenny,

i didn't read all these posts but i wanted to tell you i have a daughter having the same troubles. it seems she cuts worse when she drinks.

last time she was admitted to a hospital for a few weeks. she is really trying not to cut herself (ii think she is worried she'll end up back in hospital} but i accidently saw something she had written on the computer the other day and i know she is still in a very dark place. i found this site trying to find a way to reduce serious scarring she has. do they have alcoholics annonymous there?/ i have been around alot of people with drinking problems.. drinking only complicates things and in the end makes you feel worse because it is a depressant and it is so addicting and causes more problems. you probably should seek help from a professional but if you can't do that if you could find an aa meeting it might be helpful with the drinking part. my heart goes out to you as i watch my daughter struggle i know you must be feeling just as bad. try to get through just one hour at a time.

with a mother's love,[/b]

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