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How do I ask her to shave or trim down there?

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Well, I'm kinda seeing this girl right now. The major problem I have is that when we hook up, I am really grossed out by the amount of hair she has down there. Not to mention the fact that she loves me going down on her. It looks as if shes neer touched it down there, and I really need her to trim or shave cause this is just gross. The problem is I dont really know how to ask it....any suggestions?

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You may want to ask her if you can do it for her - make it a foreplay kind of thing. If that's too over the top for you, definitely tell her it would make it more enjoyable for you if she did. I personally don't think it's a weird or rude thing to ask at all - it probably just never occurred to her.

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Do you keep trim/shave yourself down there? I would recommend you do if you are going to ask her too...but anyway, I would say you have a shower/bath together, and bring a razor, and ask if she would let you shave her legs, tell her how much you appreciate her trusting you to do that, then move on to her pubic area....first time do something fun like shave it into a cool shape, or something like that. Then when it is shaved/trimmed, tell her HOW sexy it is, and I bet she will start doing it herself regularly and experimenting a bit more with it.


Many women are hesitant to go bare at first too, as they think it will itch like crazy, or be strange, or too much like a "porn star" but many will shave bikini area/trim area at the very least, and sometimes will work their way up to shaving it bare too. As long as you make it seem normal, and tell her it would be a turn on to see her like that, it is very possible she will start doing it.


Just make sure you return the favour! I don't expect my guy to keep bare like I do, but trimmed and clean is very important! And sometimes if he surprises me by going bare, well thats a HUGE turn on too!

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Start off by saying you enjoy giving her oral but you have a problem. Then say you keep getting hairs stuck between your teeth and in the back of your throat and it's not very nice. Please can you trim the hairs?


DO NOT SAY 'MY OTHER GIRLFRIENDS .......' Or you'll offend her.


Good luck

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Hey man, when I was with my ex I had the same problem. I basically told her that going down on her with a load of hair was really rough because the hairs would fall out, and sometimes they would be in my mouth! Tell her you like doing it and you like her, but just to help you out and make it a little more comfortable to do so. Its a touchy subject, but she should be alright depending on how you say it all. Good luck.

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My opinon is that both people tend to make to big a deal about things like this. Whats with all the tipp toeing around?


I think some people have hit it on the head,


"Hey babe I like going down on you...I mean I really like going down on you, but can I shave you before i do it again?"




"Can I shave you some time this week?"


Problem solved.


If she has a problem with that or is offended by that she is thinking into it or about to wayyyyy to much. Isn't it common knowledge that you should at least trim your self if you want you partner to perform oral...or you partner wants to perform oral on you?


I hate that things like this have to cause tension and anxiety for both parties.

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depends on the girl. like my gf is real touchy about her body, like no matter how much i compliment her or tell her i how i like her body, she still will not go completely naked infront of me, because shes so self-conscious of her body


If shes like that too, then using some tact would be a good idea if you ever expect her to let you around there anytime soon. You could just say that youd think it would be really hot for her to shave her crotch, then after say how much better it is to go down when theres no hair in the way

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I think you should just get her to trim it, not shave it! Have you ever shaved down there? If you haven't then just imagine down there being your face when you need a shave. Think of how sensitive an are it is and what it would feel like as the hair grows back.


How old is your girlfriend? The reason I'm asking is she might have a mother who enters the bathroom while she's in there. She might not want her mother to know she's shaving, waxing.


Good luck.

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You might want to buy her or make her a small gift basket of goodies....

Go to a discount store and purchase a beard trimmer (inexpensive $15)....include batteries (LOL).. A pair of small shears, A can of shaving cream..lots on the market for women. A nice razor... Venus (its like a mach 3 and a very close shave)... maybe some bubble bath and bath goodies.....manicure pedicure stuff... lol...candles for her bathroom. Make her a nice CD she can listen to in the bath...and maybe inlcude a book (something a teeny saucey)....body lotion.


And like the other readers said... be up front... tell her that you know girls LOVE bubble bathes and stuff to pamper themselves. And you could go through the basket together...and when you get to the trim stuff.... tell her you thought she might like to trim her bickini areas..bathing suit time you know... girls do that kinda stuff you figure. And then you can lead into a conversation about... you know.. it would be nice if you'd trim down there... I absolutely love oral... and I want to be able to make you happy. And sometimes its hard because hair gets in my mouth and it feels like I have a fur ball in my throat... (be off hand and light in this comment).... Tell her that you trim ( I hope you do..) so that she won't have the same tickle........................


Then you might suggest you do it for her.... and fun will be had by all.

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I think you should just get her to trim it, not shave it! Have you ever shaved down there? If you haven't then just imagine down there being your face when you need a shave. Think of how sensitive an are it is and what it would feel like as the hair grows back.


How old is your girlfriend? The reason I'm asking is she might have a mother who enters the bathroom while she's in there. She might not want her mother to know she's shaving, waxing.


Good luck.

my gf and i both shave our crotch areas, ya it hurts sometimes, but i cant imagine going back now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems like you think that a woman is obligated to shave. I can understand that it might be gross to deal with, but should she really have to deal with being itchy and uncomfortable 24/7? It's her body, and having hair is not "gross"... it's normal. Until recently shaving was considered to be out of the norm... I think that it still is. If I were you I'd be VERY cautious about what you say and how you say it. DEFINITELY don't shave it for her. It's a difficult thing to do painlessly on yourself. You could just tell her that you think that it'd be sexy if she shaved. If she says that she doesn't want to then deal with it.

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