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Any way you choose you are going to hurt one of them or both, if you choose neither.


Choose the one you would rather be with. It's too late now, but next time be aware, especially as you get older, that you should not be looking for other guys when you are with someone.

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im not looking for another guy. I know that this guy likes me, and it hurts him that i have a bf. And that hurts me, when i make someone mad or upset,i have a problem that I cut myself, so i dont want to hurt them because i love them both, and I also dont want to cut. I hadnt talked to d since november, and i was asked out on my birthday (july 1) by a. I said yes to a because i was feeling desperate, but now I love him and cant break his heart. I am going to the beach with 5 families tomorrow, and d is going too. I really love them both, but i feel like im stuck.

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You are going to hurt someone no matter what you do, but if you indeed care about your current bf then respect his feelings. I understand you are feeling torn, but remember the "grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence," Meaning, you may leave your bf and then regret it.


P.S. Don't cut, that won't give you anything but scars. Trust me, been there, done that!


Good luck. I know it's got to be a tough decision for you!!

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helpme86, im confused what do u mean

Have one as a boyfriend, and the other as a real good friend. But introduce them to each other so you go with who you like more, but stay in contact with who ever you did not want to hurt...... Thats all I was saying, not sure if that helps any. Sorry if it does not.

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