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Im 13 yrs old should I go all the way or at least give head?

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omg! honey # 1 u are kind of young to be having sex giving head any of that and #2 why would u want to do somethin for the first time with somone like that he doesnt sound very how can i say it he doesnt sound smart he obviously has had past experiences he could be carrying an std and what if he gives it to u and #3 ur first time should be special with someone u truelly care about u and cares about u too. u only get one first time and it should be something u look back on and smile about not something u regret. dont u think??? u shouldnt just hook up with him b/c hes hooked up with girls b4 that shouldnt mean u have to do what they did. if u like him and he likes u he will wait and u should too u should respect yourself and he should respect u too!!!

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wouldn't you rather be a prude than just another person who sleeps around? if that is being a prude maybe you should move or get new friends. he prolly thinks of you as another small square on the wall.



The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.


-Aiden Nowlan

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Ya do not do that.That guy sounds like total scum.Is this really what u 13 year old kids and teenagers want to do with yourselves!?Already have friends with benefitis? I mean wow u shouldnt do this to yourself.Ur only 13 years old ur a kid!But besides that ya this guy u should stay away from.Dont go down this path you will end up having a kid at a young age with these ideas or something or get an std iono....Is that what teenagers care about is whether they are fricken cute or hot?Whats this world coming too sheesh.Some dont seem to care if the person is a good person or have some morals for themselves.

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Yes i know u got me there and i admit that.But the only real problem i have with that is most big girls im not attracted too.But im more attractive to people my size because i am really skinny for a guy and lanky so i seem to be more attracted to girls like my body build.But what i meant by that and didnt state it.But i feel that i can become attracted too a bigger girl if she showed some nice inner qualities and was a great person.Is all these teenagers do is have sex with the other gender just because they are cute or hot?I mean do any of these teenagers have some morals?And just what type of parents r raising these kids.

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Look, none of us can stop you if you want to do this. It's kinda early in your life but i guess i shouldn't be saying that cuz it would be hypocritical. To the people that say that you should lose your virginity to someone you 'love', i completely disagree. I mean you don't want to get to attached.



But anyways, you are only thirteen and that is a little too young i would at least wait 2 years to try anything andeven then you would only be 15 and that is young. You don't want to be the sl*tty girl who sleeps around at school do you?

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people have said alot and many right things here...

you are only 13, immature, know nothing about relationships and feelings.

sex should be - lovemaking with someone you are in love with.. its not just a game.


and i actually have a question, you said you just want to make him happy.... So you didnt find other ways to make him happy???????


Im just impressed what teens/kids are like nowadays. If you want to learn anything in life - listen to older people who have more experience. If you dont - do whatever you like in your life, its only yours and the only you have, so good luck.

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