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Killer headache that has lasted 7 days so far

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I have been suffering with this painful headache (various points at the back of my head, also behind eyes at times) for about a week now. Every morning when I get out of bed, I feel so dizzy and my head throbs. I can walk but I get so out of breath, my joints begin to ache and I get cold, even though I have a temperature. All I want to do is lie down and keep warm. I keep trying to book the doctor's but I can barely walk a great distance and I live alone. I am a bit scared because it's gone on so long and heralds no sign of ceasing. Any advice?

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I know you're worried and you've probably diagnosed yourself, but go and get emergentcy help! You've probably got it wrong anyway!


In 1999 I became extremely ill. I have a high pain tolerance, however my whole body was enduring pain beyond belief. I thought I was dying and so did my husband. If I moved a 1cm I screamed! If I'd been able to crawl to loads of tablets I would have committed suicide. I just wanted to die!


After loads of tests I was told I had 'Fibromyalgia Syndrome' and there's no cure! At first I was devastated, however, I read books, looked at the internet, etc. I take each day as it comes (in the beginning it was each hour!) It was trial and error where medication is concerned, but the doctors/specialists found the ones that suited me best. I still get days when I have to stay in bed but they're not as frequent. I'll never be 100% well. My top levels about 85% and my bottom levels about 20%.


Get yourself checked out and keep me informed. You can PM me anytime.


Good luck.

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Go to a doctor NOW, or emergency room.



I had a boyfriend die 3 years ago due to a cerebral hemorrhage in his brain, but that was after headaches had indicated previously that he had two large blood clots in brains major artery. Unfortunately he had some side effects which led to the hemmorhage, but in most cases they can treat it. Persistent, painful, dizzying headaches were the biggest symptom for him.


In your case though with your OTHER symptoms, I really think this may be meningitis, which MUST be treated as it can lead to brain swelling and death. I had a relative die of it a few years ago, my mother almost died when she was young. Go to an ER NOW, describe your symptoms. They will likely do a spinal tap to rule out meningitis (I had one done a few months ago as I presented with similar symptoms, though I could not even walk, talk, drink, eat - the tap was not pleasant, but not terrible).

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