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Birthday gift for the guy I'm dating

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Ok, here's the situation:


- I've known this guy for a little over a month

- I'm almost 19 and he is almost 24

- we've went on two dates

- we've french kissed

- we've sort of like.. felt each other up while making out in the back seat of his car

- we always have lots to talk about

- he's really sweet, opens car doors for me and such

- we talk on msn just about every night


Our third date will probably be next week sometime, which is when his birthday is (August 2nd). I want to celebrate his birthday with him, but the thing is, I have NO idea what to get him. What kind of gift do you get a 24-year-old guy? Especially one who you've been dating for a couple of weeks, and known a couple of months, and the day you're giving the gift is your third date?


Thanks so much for your help.

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I would just get him something simple and not too "personal" at this point...like maybe a CD you heard him he mention he wanted (even in the day of downloaded tunes, a good CD is nice!) or a gift certificate for his favourite store. Or if he is into a certain sport, something related to that, like tickets to a game, or a hat for his favourite team. Or make him homemade cookies or brownies! Stick some birthday candles in some homemade cupcakes.


Think simple in this case


But I ned to ask...why did you need to mention how you have made out with him to get advice on a b-day gift?

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I think guys are hard to buy for anyway. Does he have any hobbies or anything? I would keep it simple though where you haven't been dating for very long. Or why not treat him to a nice dinner and a movie? You could also bake him a small cake. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, lol!

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The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, lol!

I think you are aiming too high. LOL jk!


CD...everyone loves music! Okay...most people do at least. CDs are always what I enjoy getting the most from people. Especialy if it's a CD I wanted.

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Thanks everyone, you all gave great ideas.


I felt the need to mention how I've made out with him because I wanted everyone to know exactly how serious it was and stuff. If we'd been on two dates and never had even kissed, it would almost be like we were just friends, and that could affect the gift giving.


How's this: At the place I work there is deal on movie tickets. You get two adult movie tickets, two regular drinks, and one regular popcorn for a really good deal. Does that sound like a good gift idea for him? (on the condition that he takes me! 8) ) And maybe I will burn a cd of songs he likes as well, so that way he has the music and is treated to a movie but it doesn't cost me the price of two gifts

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How's this: At the place I work there is deal on movie tickets. You get two adult movie tickets, two regular drinks, and one regular popcorn for a really good deal. Does that sound like a good gift idea for him? (on the condition that he takes me! 8) ) And maybe I will burn a cd of songs he likes as well, so that way he has the music and is treated to a movie but it doesn't cost me the price of two gifts


I think that would be a great gift! Plus then you could spend time together

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Thanks for all your help. But now I have another problem


I mentioned his birthday to him and asked if he was doing anything special, and he said "not really, i'm not a fan of big birthday bashes" and i said "ohhh i see. what about gifts? like.. if i got you something, you wouldn't mind?" and his response was "i actually would, do NOT buy me a gift, lol".


He said that kinda rudely (though its hard to tell on msn) and i was wondering what he meant by it, but then he added "we've only known each other a short while". I was surprised. I took so long in answering him because i was flustered and didnt know what to say, that he said "what's wrong? you don't like what i said right?". I just told him that i was thinking of how to word what i wanted to say.


Anyway, i told him since he's paid for everything on our first two dates that I thought it would be nice if i paid for our date on/around his birthday, and/or bought him a gift. He told me that he didn't want me thinking like that, that he was old fashioned, and did not want me feeling like I owed him anything. I reassured him I didn't think i owed him something, but I just thought it would be a nice gesture to pay for our date (in my head thinking of the movie tickets). He said "well we'll see, i'm really busy with school anyway, it's not a big deal for me, it's just another day".


I told him i understood and just thought i'd ask his view on the whole birthday issue. He said "hey no prob, you can pay next time if it will make you feel better, lol" and we sort of said goodbye on bad-ish terms.


Now I'm really confused.. do I go ahead with the movie tickets? When we get together, do I take out my wallet and offer to pay right away or wait til he says something about it?


My biggest concern is that he really doesn't make much sense. He thinks its too soon for birthday gifts (which in my mind makes me think he feels its too soon for a serious relationship), yet it's not too soon to be making out with me and/or feeling me up in the back seat of his car... plus a first date was not too soon for a kiss. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy it when he kisses me.. and don't want it to stop, but I also want the other levels. Does anyone else agree that that seems a little odd? Like a contradiction of how he feels, almost?


Thanks so much.

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I want to ask... so now it's bothering you that you got a little too hot and heavy for 2 dates huh? My friend ( if she was here ) would tell you : Don't give until it hurts. So you might want to ease up on the heavy petting until you know this guy a bit more...and have a few more dates...just so you don't feel bad about stuff like you felt today.


I would nix the bday gift. If he is already uncomfortable about it and you feel bad about it then don't make things worst. Just tell him " happy bday" and leave it at that.


Anyway, if this turns into a solid relationship there will be other bdays. do not despair!

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