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ok heres my story. im in love with this guy and hes in love with me and he knows that i have a son and all but the thing is his mother does not want us talking to each other because i live out of state and because she thinks im trash because i have a child at such a young age but i love him more then anything in this world and im thinking about moving out there so i can be near him and so i can get away from my crazy boyfriend. But if his mother ever found out that we were seeing eachother she would flip out and prolly call the police and i would have to move back with my brother. i mean i would be living with my aunt but she does not have ne cusdity over me at all i need help, someone please help me!

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Wow, you have a lot of responsibility at such a young age. Just remember that your baby should now be your #1 priority, so before you move you need to make sure you will be able to care for yourself and your child. Are you immancipated? If not, that could cause some problems too without the O.K. from your guardian. Also, if you're current bf is "crazy" then I would advise you not see him. It's sad that his mother thinks of you that way. I hope and pray that my children don't end up as parents at such a young age, but if they did they would have my full support. I can understand the long distance phone bill though, unless you guys are paying for it. Good luck to you and I send you a hug!

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My gosh Sweetie, I am SO sorry!! That has to be very hard for you!! Do your brother and his wife offer you any emotional support? You've had to grow up much faster than any child ever should. Please hang in there and know that people do care!

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Louis Armstrong's mom became one at 17. Granted you are younger than she was, but you can still make a successful life yourself. If your child is healthy you have been blessed.


The main way to become successful is through education. Focusing on boys creates problems, generally. Focus on yourself and your child and create the life you want to live. No it won't be the same as other girls your age because you made different choices and have lived through different experiences. But you can do the best you can with the choices you've made. And focussing on school is the best choice you can make.

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Louis Armstrong's mom became one at 17. Granted you are younger than she was, but you can still make a successful life yourself. If your child is healthy you have been blessed.


Not to be a stickler or anything, but it's LANCE, not Louis


But yes anyway, for her the child changed her life..she used to be a bit of a "bad girl" in a sense, but the child made her refocus her attentions on the best for that child and her.


And she did. She had a tough life, but she supported herself and Lance..made a couple more mistakes in her life as you likely will too..but do NOT make the mistake of assuming this guy is really ready for you and your child no matter what he says. Online everything is fantasy, real life is another thing altogether. How can you love someone you have not met "more than anything in the world"...what about your child?


As a mother, you need to think of a stable environment for YOUR BABY and not be running off to any guy that pleads their love for you over the internet..yes your life is not great at the moment, and I AM sorry you lost your parents, but your choices brought a child into the world and you need to put that baby first. People who come from some terrible life circumstances DO rebuild and create a great life for themselves.


And...if your boyfriend is "crazy" leave him, and get a restraining order if you must. Don't start other relationships while you are in one. Be responsible for your choices, your life and your baby.

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