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Girls/Guys, First Date Tips. . .Help

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Boy is this a complicated story. 1st of all I asked a girl out recently and she said yes. The problem is that Im pretty sure she doesnt know I like her (which is probably true). Since I don't know if she does like me as more than a friend, what should I do on our upcoming date? Any advice is appreciated.



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I'm a little confused on the situation. I think the girl would know you liked her if you asked her out. But besides that, just act natural. Don't do anything too extreme on the first date. If there comes an opportunity for a good night kiss, then by all means go for it. But don't do anything that is going to make her feel uncomfortable. The first date is really about gettin to know about the personalities of each other. Just talk about your lives and things you have experienced. The key to the first date is that both of you are comfortable and enjoy communicating to each other. I hope my advice helps man...

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To answer your question, asking her out in my language means to ask her to go out somewhere. Also, I know from experience (in being her friend) that she doesnt always pick it up when someone likes her. Not that shes stupid, but she just doesnt see it as, oh hes asking me out bc he likes me, she sees it as we are friends.

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All right, you want this girl to know you like her, right? Well here's a few things you can do. HOLD HER HAND. It's sweet and is considered intimate. Also, if you're seeing a movie or going out to dinner, just casually lean towards her at one point and kiss her. It doesn't have to be the lips (don't do taht if you're at dinner. It could totally ruin the kiss...lol. Also, make sure she doesn't have popcorn or coke in her mouth if you are at the theatres and wanna kiss her on the lips) you could just kiss her on the cheek or something. that would definitely show that you like her as more than a friend.

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Well be your self for starters and dont get shy and talk alot....... not to much though. Be happy show her that your not affraid..... Be funny and compliments always go along way......... eg your look very nice tonight, I love your dress, skirt, top, etc........ be high on life, show her that your excited to be with her, and the rest should jst flow...... dont try to hard, if things arent going as planned be ready to dance........ prepare some jokes, ask lots of questions show that your interested in her, and you cant go wrong........ the rest is up to you GOOD LUCK BABY......

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