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I want him, he may want me, now what?

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I go to the beach about once or twice a week and every time I go there I see this very attractive acquaintance of mine. I know who he is and we have talked on a few occasions in the past. We actually had gone to highschool together and were in a couple of the same classes throughout those years.


My parents and his parents play against eachother on one of their sports leagues still to this day. I found out from my mom that about four years ago he had told his mom that he found me to be very good looking. He also told her that he used to think I was stuck-up because of how I dressed and who I was friends with, and he thought I would be cliquey and prissy because of that. He found out otherwise on the few occasions we talked apparently.


SO, now lately I have been seeing him around more often (at the beach) and I am extremely attracted to him. I know he looks at me fairly often as well.


I really want to talk to him, and usually I don't have a problem doing so with people. But this is different because (1.) he is always with people, sometimes even with parents, (2.) we've barely even acknowledged eachother since we've been seeing more of eachother around and it may seem weird to do so now, and (3.) I don't even know if he's single or what's going on with him in recent times. Also, sometimes just to talk to him, I'd have to time it just perfectly from when he is not playing volleyball and would have to obviously go out of my way to do so.


I just don't know how to go about talking to him. I have this whole "seize the oppurtunity because who knows when the chance will come again" thing replaying in my head. I just don't know where to go with this.

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hmm...well this is the fun flirty stage that is stressful but personally my fav part lol. look just go wit hthe flow, in conversation ask him about things. its fine to make that extra effort to talk to him. and through conversation you can find out about his life and take it to another level. as far as other people and his parents well tahts great time to just chill and have fun and show him that side of you and not make it look as if you just wanna talk ALL THE TIME. now as far as the fact that you guys have never aknowledged eachother before...WHO CARES! it just shows that you guys are interested now! its just a good sign for both of you lol. so just go with it, and use converstaion to find out more.

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