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i want to improved for my self.

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hi i want to share my problem here, im 24 years old but i feel that my life is so empty. im a really simply girl.im fat and my face are not good.i have so many pimples but i troed to go to dermatogiest but my face is still like before. i want to improves my self.i want that to look sexy and have a nice face that no pimples.i have no time to exercise cause of my work.i want to look tinner and have a glow skin...i never go to a party cause i feel shy to other girls have have a good body and face and have a good clothes not like me... can anyone here help me for that??? pls pls pls. i want to improved my self but i dont know how.


im waiting your response and thank you so much for that...

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make time to work out cause thats the only way to get thinner


even walking for 30 minutes a a day will help and eating right


the pimples, well thats just something you have to wait for it to disappear, unless you find some miracle medicine, but just wash yoru face everyday and keep it clean

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Hi, First I want to say that I am sure you are a very beautiful person. Just take the time to work out to feel good about yourself. Get a trainer, if you cant afford that join a kick boxing class at the gym...its a lot of fun. As for the pimples have you tried LED light therapy. Research it, it is supposed to be amazing, or microdermabraision. The most important thing is to like who you are on the inside before you can like who you are on the outside

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