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Not sure what to do, losing sleep over it!

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There's my story, for those who don't recall. It's long, so those who are lazy here's the basic problem: My good friend Dave who I have been friends with for many years had told me he loved me before and I didn't reciprocate it. Then, finally, when I fall for him, he's over me. And I'm still in love with him, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm losing sleep over it.


I keep rolling around, debating whether I should have him over and talk to him, or if I should ask him what happened between us and why he doesn't love me anymore. I keep putting situations in my head that could possibly happen, trying to figure out the reaction for any action I would take (I HATE WHEN I DO THIS - first of all it NEVER ends up the way i think and second im over analyzing and i know it but it's just a really bad habit, i have this problem with not at least having some knowledge of an outcome before i do something)


Anyway, the whole problem right now is whether or not I should put myself infront of him and actually attempt this potential relationship between us or just forget about it and realize its over. I have this constant feeling like I'm losing time and I need to do something FAST or it will be too late. I know it is too late though, but I can't stop. Is this that thing they call denial?


I'm so confused, just about why I fell for him suddenly, why I came to this realization all of a sudden that I've basically loved him all along but was pushing it away, saying "oh were too good of friends." I'm also confused because I was in a serious relationship on and off for over a year, on and off because i'd have these cravings to be single again, and now i've been single for over a year and am trying to initiate a relationship.


I always think the grass is greener on the other side, but am realizing it's all the same grass.

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The only thing I can tell you is that if you are not ready to hear what he has to say then don't put yourself out there.....meaning if he responds in a positive or negative manner towards anything you say you have to be willing and ready to accept it with no hard feelings....I'm sure he cared about you enough that when he told you how he felt about you and you gave your respond to him he also accepted what you had to say even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear......Its just one of those things that happen sometimes....you don't realize what you have until one day its gone...and the worst part of it is it may not be a reversible situation.....meaning he could like you again or maybe never again in that type of way....

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ok i have sumthin for you cuz i can imagine wat ure goin threw cuz it sorta happeneded to me and is still happening k ure guna havta like flirt with him alot then like distance ure self so he may realize his old fealings for you tell me how it works out

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