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Kind of a silly question

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That answer probably differs for everyone -- some people just know, some people have doubts. If you are curious then if you act on your curiosity, you will eventually know if it was a temporary thing or if it's something that you want to keep pursuing. I'd suggest not worrying about the label. My personal opinion is that people are omni-sexual and then gravitate to the gender that they feel comfortable with. I know many married lesbians (married to men), which doesn't seem to make sense -- they started out sleeping with men because society told them to, then went with women as they got older and more independent, but then married a man because that man made them happy. If you think of this situation in terms of labels, it doesn't make sense. So I like to think of it in terms of people trying to find emotional and physical fulfillment in a person regardless of gender.

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I kinda think being bi-sexual is curiosity. I heard a quote once... "the only way to fight temptation is to fall into it." Thats how I believe the situation should be handled... bc if youre curious... youll never know what makes you feel more comfortable until you try it.

I guess you know you are bi.. when you are attracted to both men and women and enjoy being intimate with them both.

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I have heard that being bi sexual means that you are sexually attracted to both males and females.


You might think a girl in your class is cute, but that doesn't really mean anything. I think plenty of girls are pretty, that's normal. But I'm not attracted to them in the way that I could do anything sexual with them.


There's no reason to quickly label yourself as anything. Time will straighten things out and you will realize if you are actually bi or just curious.

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