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I can't stand my new haircut

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I use to have really long hair and for the first time ever I got it cut short. Now I'm not liking it at all and it makes me feel worse about myself because I think I look real bad. I wanted to do something different to my hair because I'm going thru a break up and wanted to make myself look better but now I think I look worse.

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Yeah I did the same thing. It did look worse for a while, but it does grow back. My hair is still not long like it was but I have a cute style that's kind of sassy. It's a little bit above shoulder length now. I did cut it cheek length and it looked horrid. My hair was so stiff it was like a wig. I have naturally curly hair so it was unmoveable that short. Just awful.


Pray it grows fast, that's really all you can do. And in the meantime find a style that at least makes you feel a little better about the whole thing. Sometimes it's not that bad, it's just the adjustment period. In about two weeks I was happy with my new cut and people were calling me Miss. I've been called Maam since age 16.

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Either go to a good salon and get them to fix it, or search a bit for different styling tips. Sometimes it really is not the cut, it is just the way it is styled.

Also, maybe add so highlights to emphasize the parts that you do like and lowlights to de-emphasize the others.

Above all it will grow back. If anything, invest in pretty pins and pin it back as it grows out.

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