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Like a guy, don't know his name and too shy to approach him

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I have this guy in my Biology college class that I think is really cute and I would really like to get to know him and maybe go out with him but I don't know his name, I have never been formally introduced to him. I am a really shy person and have a hard time with confronting guys and flirting with them, how do I get his attention?

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Well there's many ways to get a mans attention.. but you're shy. So we'll try subtle attempts .


First thing, find out his name lol. You can just listen out for his name on the register and when he replies.. You've got it.


Does he sit anywhere near you?


You could always - being safe - talk to him about biology. Yous are in the same class, so it's not amazingly sponteneous of you to strike a conversation about it.


You could ask him a question if you are having difficulty. Maybe talk to him about homework etc.


After this, you can start to get more close to him, finding out if he has a girlfriend etc.


Becoming friends, progress and take it from there.


Good Luck [no doubt there will be more replies to follow.]

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If you like him that much then think of how good it owuld be if you where with him. Use it to motivate you. I find approaching girls a challenge, and I actually enjoy doing that part!


One thought - while finding his name in a way like DarkBlue said (And I have done it like that) it might not be a good idea to go and say Hi [Name] - he might get a bit freaked out by you knowing it!


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In most cases, finding out a person's name is usually the easiest. His friends in class have never called him over using his name? The teacher? If they have been you haven't picked up on that, start doing it lol.


Or you could just go up to him and say "Hey, I'm (your name)" and strike up something about class, as darkblue noted.


Still, if you listen in class you should catch his name.

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Or maybe even take one of the problems we guys have had, and turn them around on him.


Let him catch you looking at him. Give him signals. You can make him want to approach you. Just look our our posts, lol.

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