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what is happening to me?????Please read.

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I'm a little confused right now. here's the story....So im sitting in my room by myself today, just thinking about like a few different and pretty major things that have happened and how it has changed me and my perspective on life. Then all the sudden I'm looking at my wall, when I start thinking I hate everything I have up there. And mind you I used to love it all, they were all posters of puppies and my guitar posters and just stuff that represents who I am or at least who I used to be. I get up and just start taking everything down. The whole time I kept thinking about how these things used to make me happy, but now for some odd reason they don't mean anything to me. I never look at them anymore, I never play my guitar anymore, I just don't care about it. I have this buliten board in my room that I have phone numbers that are important to me on it, it's kinda girly, it's got hearts all over it and it's in really girly colors, I felt like it was stupid and ugly, so I took this big black marker and colored all over it (and it's takign me for ever to finish).

the whole time I was coloring over the hearts and other stuff I was thinking why am I doing this??? im not mad, Im not depressed, I just don't really care.

I'm changing and I don't know what im changing into, it's happening so fast and I don't have any clue whats going on.

Is there anyone here who has gone through this??? is there someone who can tell me what the heck is going on?



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Your mood can change, your goals and expectations in life will surely change, specially if you are 17.


It is normal, don't worry. I remember when I finished reading some book, I was so fascinated it almost became my guide for life. Back then it had several answers to life I had been unable to get by miself.


What it means now? Well, I don't really care about it anymore, I'm over it. And I'm almost 27...

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I think I remember something like this when I was about that age. One day I looked around at all the stuff that had accumulated in my room and just thought I don't need any of this any more. Maybe some people do it over time and others do it suddenly. I'm sure it is just a part of growing up and your interests changing.

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I'm changing and I don't know what im changing into, it's happening so fast and I don't have any clue whats going on.

Is there anyone here who has gone through this???

I'm going through something similar myself. Some call it "rebirth." I call it "metamorphosis." Believe me this will happen to you many times in your life when faced with a turning point or new life stage. All I can tell you is don't worry about it. It's a fun, exciting time filled with hope and possibility. Embrace it! In time it will become very clear just who this new "you" is. 8)

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