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Is he giving me a last chance?

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Hello, god I thank you for giving me this forum to ask questions. I have had a problem of jealousy and insecurity recently that I have aired on this forum to do with the return of my boyfriend's ex. Well on Thursday when we were nearly at breaking point I told my boyfriend that I loved and cared for him and that I would fight for him but if he wanted to let me go and be happy then that's what I would do. He held me, kissed me and told me he didn't want to let me go. We had a great night with friends a good morning, he still receives messages from his ex that are playing with his mind, but this time I didnt show that I was jealous I kept it in and dealt with it, knowing that he wouldn't do anything without first breaking up with me. He has since go out doing sports with a female friend of mine and again I have fought back any jealous feelings knowing that He wouldn't do anything and that she would not do anything to hurt me as I think it was a little bit of a test...


The thing is he phoned me yesterday very cheery asking me what i was doing and where i would be today and where I would meet up with him tomorrow...and I was chilled out with him, laughing and joking as I normally am...


I am getting over feeling jealous and I realise that these last few weeks have made me face the fact that not all men are poo and the majority of them actually are trustworthy...


He has always said to me throughout our relationship when i have questioned if he wants me or loves me that if he did not then i would not be with him.


Bearing this in mind do you think he is giving me a second chance?..Because apart from the jealous feelings we get on great...and I am seeking help to sort this jealous this out which he knows..and i will do anything to assist in that..


What do you think?


((thank you so much for even reading..))

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Hi there,


I am getting over feeling jealous and I realise that these last few weeks have made me face the fact that not all men are poo and the majority of them actually are trustworthy...


Well you can't say that, how much men you know? How much lovers did you have? And would your life be a good statistic?


Now your problem... Bein' jealous is pretty hard for the other person. You never know what to say and never know what to do or not to do. I don't know if he's giving you any chances but I hope you two get along with trust. Cause love is all about the trust of our heart.


peace out


Jeff l. Spiegel

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well i sorta understand you. Im jealous type also but not too much. Yes i think he is giving you another chance. I think he feels better now that your a little looser. But keep your guard up and be aware of things. I would talk to his ex if i were you. Its not necessarily all his fault if shes the one leaving him messeges. It takes 2 to tangle. thats what i think but i wish you the best keep me updated byes

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