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I dumped my coffee on him!

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I've been with my boyfriend for 10months so we were talking and I said I dont like it when you call me [censored] please dont call me that it hurts my feelings, so we are still fighting about something else so I leave. I go and buy us so coffees and I come back, we sit outside and were talking and he starts "[censored]!",I say "THATS IT! you call me that one more time!" "[censored]!" he says so I took my large coffee and dumped it right on him!(now I know that wasent right of me and I'm a total spazz but I just snaped!) so he returned his coffee right on me and took his stuff and hes gone! PLEASE LEAVE ME ANY COMMENTS YOU HAVE.....should I try and talk to him??or just let it go???

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No way in hell should you try to talk to him- no way! If you ask someone to not call you something so offensive (first off he should have better respect for you then to say that first off, and secondly when you ask him not to he should ever say it again).


Do not try to talk to this immature sailor mouthed disrespectful little boy.

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Anyone who uses that word knowing it would hurt someone (especially as malicious as your boyfriend did!) isn't worth the effort. You told him you didn't like it and he should have respected that. If he can't handle a request as simple and reasonable as that, in what other ways is he going to show a disregard towards your feelings?

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Well, as a guy, we sometimes see things less then what they are. In other words, when a group of guys are together.. it's okay to say something like "Hey, whats up h**", or "Hey how was your b**** you took out the other day", in other words... most times we say these things but its without meaning. Another example... "Hey, look at those fine b***es".


The fact that you told him that you didn't like to be called that, he should have stopped right then. But I know a scenario when I had a girl tell me to stop calling her that but I kept saying it, not because I am a rude guy or not because I meant it in a bad way, it was just something I was used to saying with the guys, and it sometimes spills over. But in your case, he directly said it so I believe you have every reason to be mad at him.


Next time I wouldn't recommend getting so mad as to throw coffee on him. I would have rather just left and gave him the silent treatment for awhile and let him make it up to you. Either way, don't call him... he needs to call you first and apologize.

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Ok, first off.. why did you buy him a coffee after he called you a b? Second.. you told him not to call you that because it hurts ( honey, you should have just walked away) and he keeps it up . Obviously disrespects you, doesn't care much for you, then he dumps his coffee on you after you did the same to him. Does this sound like LOVE to you?


Now you want to call him and probably apologize right? Why? Don't you think you deserve better than this?


He is totally wrong in what he did....and if you take him back after this then you are just contributing to the problem.


He won't respect you girl, if you don't respect yourself. I hope you learn this now and not when you're in your 40's like some of us do. You will avoid so much useless heartache.


Hugs to you.

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dont ever stay in a relationship with someone who either puts you down, puts down the people closest to you, makes you hurt the people you love most, hurts you physically, isolates you from life, or makes you lose your integrity.


you deserve better than to be treated like that ... ive been there before. people like that dont change. please realize that before its too late.

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I disagree about dumping the coffee. Obviously the poster is at her wits end and finally freaked. To be honest, I would like to do the same myself.

It's not a matter of immaturity. It is a matter of sanity. If someone abuses you, you eventually lose it. Period.


I know more than anyone and darling, good for you.

Don't try to initiate contact. Call it quits. Period.

Don't waste your time, because if you take him back

now, you've proved to him you will tolerate his disrespect.


I read something good the other day. It said:

"No one gains respect by tolerating disrespect."


Keep him out of your life. Don't waste any time with that sort of crap.



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