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Should I give him another chance?

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Hey, So I've been posting lately. I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday morning. And we've been emailing, I explained how I felt about his actions and he's explained his actions and apologized. Some of you may be familiar with this whole episode. I feel partly inclined to post his email (without any names of course) but I don't know if I should, but just to see what do people think, if I'm a sucker if I give him another chance. I told him, though, that I'm not moving in and I want space from him for at least a week. I dunno...


Those of you who are familiar with the situation, maybe could give some input, but he is winning me over to his side and I want to make the right decision...

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Follow your instincts, ask yourself what u really want. Dont come crawling back to him. Tell him that if he wants to get back with you then tell him hes going to have to earn your trust and respect back, if things dont work out then there are plenty more oppertunities out there.

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