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I am now a single woman, but I decided to stay on my bith control pills. I am taking Ortho Tryclen(not sure how to spell) and have been for about 4 months now. I was on the depo provera shot before (In my opinion no one should take the shot). Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else might be on birth control pills or has been before. I was fine on them the first 3 packs, but I am on the last pack, and will start the sugar pills on Sunday to start my period. My problem is that I am already trying to start. I am having break through bleeding and I was wondering if anyone knew what that could be from. I know there probably isn't any doctors out there, but I can't really afford to see a dcotor so I thought I would see if anyone else had a past experience with this problem. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

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It is best to stay on pill, even if you are single at moment...unlike the pill of long ago, breaks are not really 'needed' and it can mess with your hormones! This keeps you regulated, and on it in case you enter another relationship.


I have been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about 10 years now, and there have seldom been any cases of breakthrough bleeding but I have had a couple eipsodes of it years ago and it is pretty normal to sometimes have spotting, especially early on as your body still is adjusting.


It may be due to fluctuating hormones, or if you missed a pill or were late taking it, were ill, on certain medications and so forth.


I would not worry too much about it at this point...see how things go for next couple weeks or so.


If bleeding continues or remains whacky, you really should see a doctor to rule out any issues such as fibroids, infection and so on. Or to ensure this pill has right amount of hormones for you. You must get regular checkups if you are on pill and sexually active anyway, and usually your doctor wants to know how you are doing on the pill after a couple months.

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I was taking yazmin and I stopped taking it cause I was bleeding straight (just a little bit) all month. It wasn't like a normal period it was almost like spotting cause it would do it for a day, stop a few hours or so and start again. I don't think yazmin was a strong enough dose of birth control for me. but it worked for the first eh say 2 or 3 months unless I forgot a pill then It would mess me up really bad (my periods that is).

it might be just cause you just started it, I did that the first month I was on it, It didn't work how it should and my mom said it was cause my body was still getting used to it.

Is that a stronger birthcontrol? the reason I was taking yazmin was cause I didnt' want to gain any weight and it actually works as a water pill in helping you not gain weight. Did you gain weight on this one? or is it a good pill? im lookign into more birthcontrols and don't know which one to take lol.

well anyways I'd give it another go around and if it messes up then go to the dr and talk about maybe another birthcontrol even another dose of the one you are taking now.

good luck.


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Thank you for your replies. I guess since I have enough packs to last me to September I will see how it goes with them, and then decide if I need another type of pill or not. QTPie I have been on some sort of birth control since I was 16. I started off with the pills, and I had problems then also, but it has been so long I don't remember what I was told about it. I never gained weight on the pill. When I started taking the shot all was fine and dandy, but then I blew up like a beached whale. It's terrible and I still haven't lost all the weight, but I am working on it. My advice is to not take the shot. Yes it is wonderful not having periods and not having to worry about taking a pill everyday, but it just isn't worth the side effects.

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I have also been on the pill for about 13 years now, and have tried various kinds to see what helps more with lighter flow, less cramping, etc. I started on Ortho Tri Cyclen and had some breakthrough bleeding for the first few months off and on, I was on that for about 7 years, than Alesse for 5 years, and most recently on Nordette for the last year.


I think it's pretty normal,at least while your body is adjusting to it and coming off the Depo. You can also check out a local Planned Parenthood or Healthquarters clinic, they do subsidized reproductive and sexual health and on a sliding scale. (based on what you can afford.)


Good luck!

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Hey girl,


If you experience troubles in getting used to the pill (i.e. your body responding correctly to them)- maybe you could consider a device like a Mirena? I have one because the hormones of the pill enhanced my depression


It hurts when they insert it, but it makes your periods lighter/non existent.



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