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Cannot get a girlfriend. Have many comments on my looks (hottest girl in school said if I lost a bit of weight she would definetly go out with me: overheard conversation) anyway have never asked a girl out I just cant do it.


Also a girl I asked out not particularly on her looks mostly because I thought she was a nice girl and got regected I now have serious doubts. I cannot drop my standards anylower because I see boys who are meaner, smaller and full of acne who get better girls.

sorry for the muddle just getting quite upset about it.

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if that's the only thing keeping that girl from datign you then she is a huge waste of time and just a hint of beeping self absorbed and judgemental.

don't go for her. only change for you.

eh I wish I could tell you how to get a gf but im in the same thing in a way lol.

good luck.


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Don't get discouraged friend, you can succeed. Don't believe what that one chick said about your looks, she's not telling the truth. Although you can get in the gym, buy some nice clothes, get a new hair style etc., it won't make nearly as much of a difference as improving displaying and conveying your personality. That's right, your personality makes or brakes you with women. And another key is to talk to lots of women. I mean a LOT. That's how one of my friend's does it. He's 20, has a dead end job, no money, crappy car, ugly, pretty annoying to most, but he scores all the time. I see him do it. It can be done.

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Unfortunately the advice you've already been given from previous posts is right: stop caring and don't try so hard. I was very popular in high school and now that I'm older, I simply cannot believe all the boys I turned down over the years for superficial reasons. It's just the way it is. We like the challenge. We like guys that don't care so much and have a bit of an edge. Then, luckily, we grow up and out of it. For me it lasted for ages until I decided to settle down and get married. That is a long time from 16.


If it makes you feel any better, I promise you girls will be kicking themselves later for not dating you now. It's only a matter of time. Hang in there!

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