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uhg I always mess up some how. how to pull this off?

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For some reason every time I start to like a guy I end up not being able to get them, and don't know why. I get shy and I think that's part of my problem. Im not a shy person though, not around anyone but who ever it is I like, My cousin and friends tell me that I act really shy and different to this guy I like at the moment and I don't want to be like that. I don't know how to just loosen up a little and be me.

I always end up losing who ever it was I wanted to try and date, and this is weird this time cause I used to like this guy, and NOw I find out he used to flirt with me all the time. at least that's what he said. If he said that and gave my cousin his number for me then that means he wants to get to know me and is interested right?

also girls how do you get guys all the time???lol. I try and now It's almost like why try cause I get so close to dating them and then nothing happens. I really want to date this one, but don't know how to over come my shyness or keep him.

please please help.

Im thinking of calling him tonight, I can't do anythign this weekend though and I don't want him to think im dumb for calling for nothing you know? what should I say if I call???? should I ask him to do something next weekend, and just tell him why I can't this weekend (long story about my aunt and uncle needing help moving, freshmen orientation and still trying to get car insurance, I think that might sound fishy to him but it's true lol).

thanks guys for putting up with my dumb ?s.



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You can give me a call lol.

anyway if it feel right do it , If a girl phoned me I would probably be thrilled, he will be he said he was flirting.

I am quite shy around girls but I think if i do nothing I will end up regretting which is my worse fear.

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You can give me a call lol.

anyway if it feel right do it , If a girl phoned me I would probably be thrilled, he will be he said he was flirting.

I am quite shy around girls but I think if i do nothing I will end up regretting which is my worse fear.


you stole my name and capslocked it!!!!


and for cutie pie, if you want to get the guys attention, then fluctuate the amount of attention you pay to him. act like you're playfully interested at first, then ignore him for a while, then repeat from step one.

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