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Well, its been 2 month's give or take since we have contacted. (shes 19, im 21, dated 2 years around).


It's all odd because of the things that happened after we broke up, we stopped talking for a couple weeks, then we started to hang out again... she professes her love to me, saying we will "get back into our old groove in time".. after an incident that following saturday. We were supposed to go somewhere together, then she was like "yea, then me and the girls are going out later", not to mention i was supposed to go with her, but these are her "new friends". So, they didn't end up going, and we didn't end up doing anything.. she got drunk at her friends house with "her girls" she says, could have been anyone with the way she was acting at the time.


Didn't hear from her the following day, so i called her monday morning before work to see if she wanted to do something tuesday, the only day we had off together. She said she was busy with school work, and "this guy from my work is trying to get me a job at his work, and im going on an interview after school (7pm?). Well, that aggravated me. (she works closely with 2 guys, its a convience store.) Not to mention i never once heard a word about these guys while we were dating but now one is going to try to get her a second job. The way her schedule is, it doesn't make sense because her time is already filled from work and school. I had to drive by her work tuesday night (no im not crazy, lol), and low and behold, the one day she has off from work her car is there. So me, being kinda aggravated at this point, had my friend go in who she doesn't know and look to see if shes there. She's not. Interesting. Whatever. That didn't click right with me. Leaving her car there.. Wish i never drove past her work. Didn't have a choice.


So i sent a bunch of nasty text messages saying its better we dont talk anyomore as were on different pages.. and to lose my number. This all spurt of the moment stuff which i wish i never said, but she was being so shady. And she didn't want to get back together, she wanted to start over as "Friends". That wasn't working, because how do you go from one to the other. Cant.


Anyways, this was a relapse, after that, i never contacted her. And she did the same. It's now been 6 weeks, give or take. Now i must say she had started hanging out and meeting these new girl friends from her hair school she goes to. Aparently they are all good friends now, and hang out, she does not hang out with her old friends. Noone has really heard from her or seen her. Neglecting her high school friends, etc.


All seem's odd to me, but maybe she started falling out of love while we were dating, starting to like someone at her work possibly, and never saying anything about it. Using the corny excuse "We need to take a break". 2 Weeks after our break, she hangs out with the guys from work at someones house. Interesting. I checked her aim profile about 2 weeks ago and it said stuff about how its amazing the best girls can become best of friends from different area's.


Maybe she has new friends, or a new man. Who knows. I dont check her name ever, did once in 6 weeks. Saw her at the mall about 3 weeks ago, with her new girl friend, dont think she saw me. I nearly had a panic attack, lol. We were supposed to go to florida in july, thats not happening, she will still go i assume. One ticket has my name on it which cant be changed. And she payed for it, fat chance if she thinks she's getting that money back. Wonder if she will contact me for it. Probably not now.


All in all, i've had a great 6 weeks with friends. Being able to do things that i couldn't when we were dating. I'm not saying we were perfect. We both were immature at times, and i can see and admit that. I made some serious mistakes, that cant be taken back. But still seems odd for the girl i talked to every day for 2 years, to not ever once text, call again after all of this. Aparently she has moved on to better things. I know i couldn't date anyone to healthly right now. The feelings are starting to pass, and i couldn't go on being a friend. I would never heal. So it's good i told her to loss my number, as it gave me time to heal.. but there isn't a day i dont think about her still. Feel slightly numb at times still. Find myself comparing other girls to her. That will pass, for now ill enjoy summer. Cant say i wont always love her, no matter who she sleeps with, or dates, even after all the stuff that has happened. Wonder if she feels the same way... Even if that chance where she came back, i dont even know if i would wanna be back together after all the stuff that has happened. We would have to start over, and i dunno, it may be weird. Yet, i still have these feelings..

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ive been in a similair position..i tried getting back together with this girl..it was a train wreck and never had a shot to work out..so dont waste time thinking about it. if your ever to be with her again it will be years from now when you two just run into eachother. then you could start from new only because you would be different people.

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