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I need more flirting tips. seperate ?s for guys and girls.

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I know it sounds lame, but I am just so worried im gonna make an beep of myself infront of this guy I like. .

I don't really know how to flirt that well, I mean I do, but I don't. I haven't really wanted to flirt with someone for some time now like probably 2 years or so, I was depressed and not really interested in gettign attention from who ever at the time I liked. I would just like them and pretty much keep it to myself and act with them like I do every one else.

but now I like this guy, and I want the attention, and to be noticed by him.

How can I do that?


My ? for guys is what do you like for girls to do when flirting (like big time flirting, obvious flirting, so obvious that you would have to be like stonned out of your mind to not notice them).


? for girls is what do you do to get the attention you want from guys.

and How can you play it cool, like you want the attention, but eh it's ok if you don't get it. what im really asking is how do you like pull a guy in? Well I guess that the ?s shouldn't be separated lol, I need to ask both genders the same but o well.


thanks guys. Im sorry I sound like such a dork but I am and I just need a lot of help with this. thanks.


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i just try to look really fun and outgoing when i'm around a guy i like. i tell them stupid jokes to make them laugh, and i talk to them a lot. if were in a group situation, i focus more of my attention on him than on anyone else. oh and i make a lot of eye-contact too.

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Oops sorry....I mean feisty. But like animated, vivacious, energentic, clever, zingy, etc. ya know? But that's why I mentioned being feminine with it too. Because, you don't want to come off seeming like you are hyper or anything like that. The way I flirt is very laid-back/feisty/feminine....making it look almost like an accident, like I don't even know I'm doing it. 8) Oh shoot, i don't know I just do something and it works for me. Most important thing though is be yourself and be natural! Hope this helps

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yeah thanks both of you. I'm just still so nervous, but i shouldn't be cause he was the one to start the flirtign in the first place, but I feel like I get boring and make him feel like he's dumb, idk, maybe it's just me.



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It sort of depends on the setting.. i'm better at flirting out of school, but yeah. I'm assuming you're talking about at school, so...:

All I can say is touching is the best. If he says something funny and you laugh, touch his arm, if you want to get his attention, dont just call out his name, touch him on the shoulder... if you're sitting together put your legs on his, if he teases you give him a playful shove, steal his hat, just little playful things like that, thats what I do.. and hey, it works for me.

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I feel so old. N-e how. First, find out this guy's interests. When I was younger I would play basketball with the guys. I mastered it to the point I was getting picked for teams before other guys. So find an interest you have in common or wouldn't mind having in common and let him see you doing or talking about it. Smile at him when you pass him but you don't have to say anything. Sometimes the mystery is more intriguing. If you know anybody who knows him ask about him. Ask if he's with anybody and if he's interested in anybody. Lastly, if all those are clear. Get somebody close to him to mention you think he's cute or are interested. Most guys are scared of rejection and it makes it easier for them to come up to you if they know there's a possiblity more than a rejection.

Good luck.

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