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Ok im typing this real fast, I need to know some stuff.....My ex eddies hates me now because I would always butt into his business and I always wanted to know where he was and what he was doing.....I told him I was sorry, but sorry dont cut it, I said everything I could think of and nothing works please give me something I could say to him to make him reconsider his decisions....I already told him how I felt and stuff.....

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This is just what I've learned from a bad break up, it might not apply to yours, but I'm pretty sure it's the smartest thing for you to do at this time.


Mk so ask him to listen to you once and only once, or just write him a letter. get everythign out you want to say and leave it at that. If you hunt him down too much or try to talk him into getting back together with you you will drive him even more away. so keep it short, sweet, and to the point, and then just leave it at that.

good luck.


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Ok im typing this real fast, I need to know some stuff.....My ex eddies hates me now because I would always butt into his business and I always wanted to know where he was and what he was doing.....I told him I was sorry, but sorry dont cut it, I said everything I could think of and nothing works please give me something I could say to him to make him reconsider his decisions....I already told him how I felt and stuff.....


Ok - what you have to do is back away completely! No more butting into his business. When you talk to him, be nice, talk about general things. Let him volunteer what he's been up to.


There's nothing you can do to make him take you back. He'll take you back only on his own accord. If you've said everything, and nothing has worked, then the only thing left is to completely back off and let him bring up relationship issues with you. You just have to be light and breezy whenever you run into him.


Good luck!

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well first no sorries( it often becomes over used) tell him that you know you were in the wrong to be so nosey and that you understand that he may not want you in his business.


as for getting back together don't push for it ask him for you two to befriends and only that, get into other relationships. if you 2 were ment to be together it'll happen later when you're more prepared and trusting of eachother for it to happen.

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