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I wanna tell him how cute he is, but freeze plz help.

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ok I know im a fun person, but i'm a little out there when people get to know me well. Ok as those of you who may have read my last few posts know, i like this guy and finally got the balls (well um nerv lol) to go talk to him. the last two times i've talked to him were good. the first time it was me starting the convo and I had to leave a little fast (my ride got there) the second time my cousin started the convo with one of his friends asking for a cigarett (no i didn't want one) and sean was like what you guys didn't come to ask up to dance and paige was like o hey sean ask kayla to dance lol, so he did and he kept coming over and flirting all night.


Now my problem is that I'm ok for about 30 or 40 seconds of the convo and then I totally freeze, my belly gets butterflys and I totally am like o no what do i say now, do I sound dumb, o did I mess up lol. And it's like unhelpable, i've only ever been like that with one other guy, it's usually when i really think someone is really really super cute and they are flirting with me lol.


I don't know how to just let my nervs go and get in my head that I wont mess up. I worry too much about what he thinks of me, I shouldn't because then I wouldn't be nervus, but he is so cute, and funny, and I've thought that for like 3 years now and am just now talkign to him.

I was too shy to get his # myself ( i feel like a dork ) so paige (my cousin) go it for me, so i mean If he thought i was dumb, or didn't like me he wouldn't have given it to her right????


O please someone out there with any help tell me how to just calm down when im around sean and relax and just be me.


Also I wanted to know if there were any cute things (flirty) that guys like girls to say/do to them.




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I'm like that especially someone I have strong interest in...


But what helped me is focusing on that person...what they like, what they are interested in and put the feelings aside.


That's one thing I can point out Watch me with the physical therapist...one point I'm doing well and another minute I can't even answer back a simple question

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Yeah I like to drink but only when my family wont find out about it and eh Idk lol if I got pulled over driving home drunk from the dance factory they would know lol. Also actually im really not drinking anymore, im too young and diabetic so it's not good for me. thanks though.

does anyone have any other suggestions.

Like how do you flirt with guys, and guys how would you liked to be flirted with, what do you think is cute for a girl to do?


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Well kayla (if thats your name) it's completely normal that you freeze up being that girls have more emotional chemicals than guys. If you freeze up like that though, and it isn't changing, get some guy friends or MORE guy friends.


If this guy likes you and you freeze up THAT'S A GOOD THING. Because he'll definitely get the message and on the inside he'll feel like screaming "woohoo" and jumping in the air doing a heel click LOL.


So I don't why you think it's such a bad thing. You don't look like an idiot. Girls think too much .

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Like how do you flirt with guys, and guys how would you liked to be flirted with, what do you think is cute for a girl to do?


These are kind of the things I like girls to do when flirting with me but yeah. Well do you have time? lol. Umm, sexy smiles are awesome. Touching the guys arm to make a point or something, wanna make his heart thump like a rabbit on caffeine pills? Do that. teasing, I like that. Hair touching and stuff (you probably do it subconsciously anyhow lol) is great. And winking, DEFINITELY gets the message accross if your sick and tired of screwing around with flirting, it also works better with a smile.


Really a lot of things you do already, is flirting with him. You just don't really realize it until you catch yourself doing it while looking at him or something.

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good point I prob am flirting with him lol, actually I noticed I was walking away from him kinda doing the butt thing lol. but eh idk, I just wanna leave a huge impression on him that will last for a while maybe the next few days lol.

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Skirts, in between not that new fad of long skirts that Old Navy (it's too old...it must die), it can be too low but you look like a ****. But yeah, only applies IF you have the physique. If your average weight, ok give it a shot. If you know your not going to look good in it, don't wear it. And if your skinny give that a try, though girls with stick thin legs and have like no hips, and have like spider veins and stuff grosses me out, biggest turn off!


Body wash, or if you have a strong smelling shampoo meaning strong as in doesn't wear off for a few hours. If you spray on A BIT of perfume (A bit because when we get close to you, and you smell really good, it doesn't smell fake...if you get what I'm saying, like it's a pheromonal thing lol) berry scents smell REAL good that strong stuff that smells like a musk (just because it turns you on to smell musk doesn't mean we're going to get turned on by smelling musk). Also, I hate this one brand of perfume on girls, don't know what the **** it's called but it's this THICK vanilla smell that gives me a headache I HATE IT. Never wear it, pretty sure other guys don't like it either.


And if you want to rev a guy up? Hmm, I don't know if your in the room (and he likes you) that's like enough to rev him up lol. Wearing "good" clothing. Meaning like I don't know....it's like preppy-ish. I think it's Hollister, well I don't know. I shop at Zumiez I have no idea, what those shops are called but pretty sure it's Hollister. Basically just to attract someone think of this; The five senses. (Replace the taste sense with like breath, he'll get to that later ).

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