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Acting on impulse.

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Ok we all no about me and "this girl" anyway today i had the perfect chance to plant one but i didnt coz i didnt want our friendship to go all weird. I could feel that maybe she wanted to hook up but i just oculdnt bring myself to do it. Should i have? Is it good to act on impulse?

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you have to really consider the gains vs. the consequences. If you make the move, she could just say that she wants to be friends.... could be ackward at first but I think that you could just go back ot the way things were.... if you don't make the move, you'll never know what might have been and you may potentially miss out on a great relationship.... I think it's good to take risks... don't not to something for fear of regection, because even if you get rejected at least you won't spend the rest of your life wondering "what if" if ya know what I mean

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I have a guy friend that just randomly decided to make out with his best friend. Let's just say they aren't really that good of friends anymore. Like he wanted to see what would happen and sort of liked her. She kissed, snuggled and all that acting like she liked him but she didn't. But...okay...be careful.

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