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Dying/Tinting Eyelashes

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Has anyone ever tried this?


I was thinking of just buying a box of hairdye and making a little mixture, and with a little brush or something use it to dye my eyelashes (a brown/black colour). What are the safety issues involved? I am very steady with my hands, so I am not fearful that I will accidently get some in my eye. I've heard that hairdye can cause blindness, I've even seen it on the instructions before--but what if I am EXTREMELY careful?

Will it also dye the skin around my eye?--When you dye your hair, the instructions recommend putting petroleum jelly accross your hairline...so what if I put petroleum jelly on my eyelids so the dye will not stain them?



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I think you should consult a dermatologist/eye specialist/hair stylist. There may be a very good reason hair stylists don't do this.


Your eyelashes are quite fragile too, dye might make them fall out...and the fumes will very possibly irritate your eyes without the dye actually getting in them.


To me it seems like way too much risk, if it was safe more people would do it....that is what mascara and fake eyelashes are for...

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Right now, your optometrist is going pale and ready to faint.


This just strikes me as so incredibly risky that it wouldn't be worth it. Even if you were "extremely careful" applying it, it would still have to sit on your eyelashes to do its thing. During that time you'll be blinking. You'll either blink it off or blink it into your eye. Either way, you won't get the result you want.


There are all sorts of colors of mascara available - from normal hair shades to blue and pink and white and so on - that are formulated for use around the eye. You'd probably be better off to stick with one of those.

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I also would not do that, think about how you feel when you just smell hair dye, can you imagine the fumes from that stuff being less than 1/4 inch from your eyeball???? they say don't get it around your eyes for a reason, it may not even have to touch your actual eye to cause damage

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i know you can get dye pacifically for your eye lashes, but i would not try hair dye on them,


You could go to a beauty shop and ge tit proffessionally done and se how you like it first, i get it done but my eyes are very sensitive and the stuff makes my eyes water and can only ahve it on for a shorter time as it runs , but the effects are really good, and its not to expensive either around £5 or £6 i think

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Thanks for the replies.

Taking your advice, I've decided I am not going to dye themself (with hairdye). If I decide to get them tinted, I am going to get them tinted professionally at a beauty salon.


What's wrong with mascara though?

Nothing. I'm mostly a wash&go kindof girl and this means I have one less thing to do in the morning.

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