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I love her so much and she's leaving me (trip) =(

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hey everyone i just wanted to tell you thank you for helping me in the past because ur anwsers help me so much you don't even know it. if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't find my first love. well here's my story:


well me and my girlfriend has been going out for 6 months and she is so special to me,she makes me smile all the time and as you know it's almost the end of the year. well this year she going to portugal for the summer for the month and i was thinking that i should write her a letter and give her something so she could remember me because i really don't want her to go since she my first love and your first love, you never forget. well if you guys have any suggestions please tell me thanks alot people i don't know what i would do if i didn't find this web site.

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Of course, I'd send her a letter or something to remember me by. But dont worry, if you guys are really in love, she wont need anything to remember you, she just will.


And about the first love thing, I dont even remember how it feels to be with my first love, and we broke up last year. =D

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Just enjoy the fact that you have somebody to miss and you have something to look forward when she returns.


Just because she is going on holiday, doesn't mean that she is leaving your life. You have something to look forward to, someone to miss and someone special to think about.

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Hey dude,


I think it's easier to deal with these feelings if you have some sort of agreement on how you stay in touch during her holiday. I was away for a month, staying in the Philippines and my bf and I sent at least one sms a day. Just to let each other know we loved each other and i was still living (I was in a dangerous province).


Do you trust her?


Oh, and plan on something great to do yourself in the holidays!!!



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Keep busy and keep your mind on other things as much as possible.


It's love, of course you're gona miss her, but she'll be back


And if you trust her, you won't have to worry about her.


I'd suggest keeping in touch somehow. Yous should work that out, whether you wanna keep in touch by phone/letters etc.


Your bound to feel down when she's gone though, so keep talkin' to us






Trouble is part of your life — if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.

Dinah Shore

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Ahh Karma


I believe in Karma too.


What goes up, must come down, What goes around comes around.


.. I'm not Buddhist though..


Well really the "law of karma" is the energy and spiritual equivalent of Newton's third law. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction.


Sorry I'm drifting.


I stick with what I said and agree with the Karma





Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.


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