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  1. Dont start thinking that she wants you in a sexual way. I think if she'd want you to know she wanted you in a sexual way, she'd do something different than that. Could just be a friendly touch or accident.
  2. I feel the same way. To me one is gay. In my opinion, a gay with peirced ears doesnt look gay at all. I dont get how people see it as gay lookin O_o...
  3. Of course, I'd send her a letter or something to remember me by. But dont worry, if you guys are really in love, she wont need anything to remember you, she just will. And about the first love thing, I dont even remember how it feels to be with my first love, and we broke up last year. =D
  4. Well, remember how people use to say that a certain ear means you're gay?(Yeah, I know totally immature), however, now'a'days around here people consider one ear more gay than a guy who wears both ears peirced. I am the clean cut type of guy. I also like to dress nice(American Eagle, Hollister etc...) I personaly, havnt seen not one gay guy with even one ear pierced.
  5. I just got both of my ears peirced, from what I've heard(My girlfriend AND her mom both like guys with both ears peirced) many girls like this. But, I've also heard alot of girls say it looks too gay on a guy. I'm just looking for more women's opinions. What do you think of a guy with both of his ears peirced? I personaly like it(on me of course, Im not gay =D), and probably wont take it out, but I still want to get opinions.
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