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I've run out of choices

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Okay well im close to really thinkin about doin it now my lfie is on a complete low.. i cant talk to ANYONE about my feelings because im too scared and I really cant this is my only choice... I ahve nothin god to lvoe for nothin.. every day is torture for me... I hate my life so much

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Omeska, trust me. You don't want to do it. I once attempted it, but at the last moment, just before my life fell out of my hands, I couldn't. I cried and cried but I knew that life had a better purpose than to end. If you feel your life is at a low right now, then soon things will change. It's impossible to feel this way forever. My life's been at the lowest fro years now but I still retain my hope. One day, things will change, and you'll have an equal high in your life.


"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - dunno who said this but I remembered it...


Hope you make the right choice Omeska. TRY to talk to someone about the problem. I know that sometimes, it's scary, and sometimes you're afraid people won't understand the way you do, but think about it ok? There's always someone there for you, even if you haven't found the person yet



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Choices are endless. Why do you think you've run out of them? Really they are. Maybe if you post some of what your going through someone here will have some suggestions for you. Sometimes another perspective is all that is really needed.

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Why don't you try calling a hotline? It can help so much to have someone just listen to you and offer solutions without judging you. I suggest calling the National Hopeline Network (link removed). You can call even if you are only feeling depressed, or if you are seriously considering ending your life. They have counsellors there you can talk to, and they give referals to help in your area (if that's something you want to pursue). And it's anonymous. The number is: 1-800-SUICIDE. You really don't have to be alone. Talking about things can help tremendously. Good luck, and hang in there!

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Like waht CrystalDawn said a friend to tlk to will help loads but if you are unsure what you friends reactions will be like or even if you friends the one causing the fellings it will be hard and easyer option would be for you to tlk to us where every one here will help if you want to tlk to me email removed just add me but i recomend posting in this forum where you can get loads of peoples support and opinions good luck hold in there Adam

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