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what am i doing wrong

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why dont guys want ta have sex w/ me. damn it. iam so lonely. i only been w/ one guy. which is a friend of mine. He dont want ta do it w/ me a 2nd time. i was a good kisser and stuff. i let him feel me up. so whats wrong. i do flirt w/ guys, but maybe not hard enother. need help.

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no offense...but is this post for real?


you mean to say you want to have meaningless sex with someone...anyone...and you dont care who. and youre bent b/c you cant find a random lay??


this sounds like a very desperate goal to be working at....


why dont you instead stop thinking about sex as being #1 on your list and just get out more and DATE!


sex is NOT going to fulfill your lonely mood. if anything if you hook up with some guy and he leaves right afterwards...youll probably feel 1000x worse....am i missing something here???



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Maybe you come off as too easy, like your not enough of a challenge. Like do you ever let the guy go in for a kiss then back away then be like "No your trouble" jokingly? That's something that might help (then of course you catch him off guard later and make out with him).


Well are you physically attractive? Do you have a picture of yourself you can post....I'm not really good at judging things like "5'4, 105lbs, green eyes". I'm pretty visual lol.

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i just want ta have sex w/ one of my guy friend. the one that was my 1st and he was my 1st guy that i had fooled around w/ too. its not one of my top goals. my top goals is ta get a job working in the police department. the problem is , my mom dont want me ta date, or ta hang w/ people that she dont know. even the guy that i had sex w/. she wants ta met him but he dont, cause of other things. my mom even tells my dad what ta do. before & after , me and my pal had sex or fooled arould he would find a way ta touch me. i think i do . cause i tell them every thing bout me. they do ask questins in all but i would always do the approaching. see guys dont approach me. so thats way i go up ta them and say hi and get ta know them , just a little at the few weeks or so but then i go overboard. i let them know that i am interested in them and see what happens. they just run away. only one guy had ask me ta kiss him, but others they dont ask they just sit their w/ their pals and look at me all ta time. when i walk pass them or from accross ta room in class or some where else. i wanted this pal of mine ta da things w/ me and he did , over and over again. i never said no ta him. this pal of mine says that iam easy. i dont think i am. cause he is the only guy that i would do these things w/ but i did want ta do these things w/ other guys that i went ta school w/ but i didnt, cause of my bro.'s if they new they would tell. when i was in college i was free, i could do what ever i wanted ta do. but in HS, and JH i couldnt.

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Maybe your intimidating and the guys don't want to approach because their afraid of rejection. A lot of good looking women guys can look at and think "yeah right, I could never go out on a date with her" it happens a lot.


Just try to make yourself more of a challenge to the guys, tease them! There's nothing to do with your personality btw, you don't sound boring.

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I agree w/ DragonGirl724... STOP focusing on getting a good lay. START focusing on the inner you.


Build your self confidence by exercising, dieting, and maybe focus on your spirituality


Start with you on the inside and then start looking into dating.


Loneliness is NOT fixed by sex


Good luck


P.S. Get a vibrator that'll help the frisk and let you focus on what's important.

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