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I like this guy, but he likes sum1 else

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I like this guy a lot (Dusty), and I've already gone out with him twice. (Once cuz I was stupid and broke up with him cuz I heard he was gunna break up with me, and I didnt wanna be the one getting dumped, and the other cuz he said "too long, not enough action..." but I believe it was cuz everyone of his friends was makin' fun of him sayin he was prude and stuff...) But I still like him ALOT. We went out for about 1 year total. [Dusty, Keely, and I are going into 9th grade come September, so thereforeeeeee we are still in 8th]

Now my BEST FRIEND (Keely) in the world likes him, and he likes her ALOT. But 4 other guys like her, and one of the other 4 is in highschool (Dave)

Ever since me and Dusty broke up on October 3rd [the day before the first school dance of the year] at the beginning of 8th grade, I've still not gotten over him, and I thought I would... I was REALLY truly trying. I told Keely that she should go out with Dusty and not Dave cuz Dusty likes her a LOT more than Dave duz cuz she duznt even know if Dave likes her. Also cuz shes known Dusty longer than Dave.

Here's the next problem. I told Keely that I still liked Dusty cuz she asked me if I still do, and she told me to tell the truth and not to lie. So I told her I did. Now she says that she won't go out with him cuz this is what happened between her other other friend Peggy and her ex Timmy, but Keely went out with Timmy, but broke up cuz Keely liked Dusty and Timmy was practically cheating on her. (Timmy is in highschool too).

I want her and Dusty to go out cuz their cute together and deserve each other,and they both said they liked each other, but now I'm in the way. All I know is that I wouldn't mind if they wet out, cuz I know Keely would treat him righ, and I know that Dusty would treat her right. That's all I want.



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It's very sweet that you want them to date...but honey..who are we kidding? That's really not what you want....it would kill me to see my ex boyfriend (who i'm still in love with) date one of my best friends. It would be too hard for you to sit back and watch them date. It would ruin your friendship with your best friend. Not that you're a bad person...it would be just too hard for you to be friends. I know it would be for me. Also know that things will get better for you. High school is just another chapter of your life filled with a lot more guys. So have fun while you're young and do things that will make you happy!! Good luck with everything!

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LOL omg, if you think that this is hard to deal with, just wait until high school. my goodness people. this sort of stuff goes on ALL THE TIME all through middle school and high. just do what your heart tells you. besides when we're all this young it doesn't matter if we don't get the guys we want. it's not like we're gonna be with the. in the future.

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Well, i think it's great you want them to date...really...but i do not see how they think you are in the way. Honestly...you have pretty much given them your blessing...although they do not need your blessing. You know what you should try? Try not getting over him and just letting the feelings flow. The only way you are going to get over him is to let your feelings go and not hurry or stop the process.


It's great and i think they will go out...just let fate do it's work and everything will work out for the best you will see!


Good Luck!

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