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hot guys

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Older guys are more mature, hotter, taller, can drive, have jobs, dont have a curfew, more "sporty" and outgoing and manly and have more experience.. uh, okay, I can't think of the word.. more "dominant males" i guess, like everyone said before XD.


Just thought i'd confirm all of that.


Guys my age are just.. uh, the opposite, lol. They dont have that same sex appeal, seem more immature (guys on average mature 18 months slower than girls do) handle different situations differently and just.. uh, yeah, I can't really explain it. Just wait a year or so, your time will come

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Personally I'm pretty sick of this younger gal/older guy phenomenon. I mean 14 year old girls throw themselves at you just because you are older and represent more status which leads to increased self-esteem for these girls. It's not very fun to know that some girl is with you because she has to show off how mature she is by hanging out with any guy who is older. Then there's the other side of this problem which is if you meet a girl who is an intellectual equal with you but older and her friends start to pick on her because she is with a lower status younger guy.


Not to mention the pressures that guys experience about status, dominance and maturity because everyone knows how much girls dig these traits.

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Typically it is thought that girls like older guys because they are more mature. There is also some type of social element in it though. For example dating a guy that is in high school is perceived differently than if a girl dated a guy that was in college (assuming she was in high school). It would seem logical that if the guys were "hot" then regardless of what age they are the girls would want to date them.

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I mean its not really a bad thing to have girls throw themsleves at you is it? Have you ever heard the phrase "All is fair in love and war"? I don't think girls will just hang out with you for the sole fact that you are older. I think they do because you acutally are more mature and better looking or watever than the guys their age.

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Most girls think I am older than I am. Most girls think I am 25, when in reality I am only 21. I don't know if this is a good thing though. In any case, there are no girls who have shown any interest in me in a very long time. I show interest in girls...they don't show interest in me. Even though I am a mature and responsible person for my age, and I do intend on getting married in a couple of years.


But how do you know that girls find older guys hot? Are you a girl...so how would you know how girls think?


Oh well.....

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I am actuallying dealing with at least one teenage girl (16 yrs old) that I know for a fact has a crush on me at the place I work at. I find it pretty funny actually. I know why she has the crush on me and has even tried to get me to ask her out more than once (I have not nor have I lead her on with the hope I will).


But I think the reason why younger girls go for older guys is that older guys tend to have more exciting experinces, tend to know more, have things that younger girls do not have at their disposal (money, car, etc).


ejacobson - Just be your self and don't worry about getting attetnion from these girls. Actually don't even try to get their attention. Becuase they will notice it and may actually go for you. I did that in high school and to say the least it work well.

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For the hot and snobby girls it's the car.


Quite a few of those girls aren't mature at all. They spend most of their time drinking, smoking, having sex, making out, failing, so maturity is not the correct answer.


For me, it'd be the maturity- except a lot 16ish guys still aren't mature. But I go for the ones that I can carry on an intelligent conversation with.


The good or average girls don't usually go after guys older than them (but they may have crushes on older guys).


And maybe you should go for 13/14 aged girls? Some of them may be at your level physically and mentally. Or just a girl your age- not all of them are after older guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Older guys at least seem more mature, even if they are not in reality. Because girls are generally smarter and more mature, or at least think they are when they are young, they try to go for someone a tad older.


Now what about guys being interested in older women? Anyone have an answer to that?

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Because girls are generally smarter and more mature, or at least think they are when they are young, they try to go for someone a tad older.


Most of us only think was are because it's a fact that girls mature almost 2 years ahead of guys

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Most of us only think was are because it's a fact that girls mature almost 2 years ahead of guys


I know, and I'm the first to admit that girls are more mature. I was just saying that while most are more mature, there are some who think it even when its not true.


Really, I'm surprised its just 2 years. I would have guessed at least 3.

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Yeah right girls mature quicker.

Thats complete bull they are often the least mature a fact prove it! its not a fact Males peak sexualy around the age of 17 women at 40. men who are 20 and go out with 16 year olds are robbing the tallent.


In one incidence a friend of mine was rumoured to have gone out with a 13 year old girl and got humiliated by a group of girls in that class because it is where I come from socially unacceptable. This is when we were 15 I knew for a fact that most of these had boyfriends who were over 20 one of them was a 33 year old immigrant.

Its hard enough getting a girlfriend and I feel many people dont want to go for girls younger in this instance as they have not even completed puberty and its a bigger difference as you are growing up.


Also what would you do if this happened to you last year a girl got offended by me talking to her and her friend came after me and started kicking my inbetween the legs. Im not touching a girl but 20 kicks to the balls cannot be good, imagine the uproar if I booted a girl in the sexual organs.


Just some thoughts Im not sexist my mum was a woman but what would you do or could you do if you come into a contact situation with a woman obviously it is not right to fight back but why do they do its like kicking someone defenceless. They would be buggered if I came at them like I would If a male did the same. If I tried to restrain her would I be done for sexual harrasment as I have got in trouble once before in school after a lad tried to smash a brick on my head so I punched him in the face and bashed his hand into a fence.


Sorry im just confused Im having a pretty har time at the moment Ive got plenty of friends who are girls and I enjoy talking with them about music in a none sexual way but it is like one or two who I am attracted to who are like complete phyco's.

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Shinobe you say that you have a lot of confidence, but I really doubt it. You need to love yourself before other people will love you! When you wouldn't change anything about yourself, then you know that you have self-esteem, and looks won't seem like the all mighty aspect any more. But I'm not entirely disagreeing, you won't get many looks if you don't care about your appearance and seem like you just dragged yourself out of a sewer!


Derge what you are saying may have happened, but you have to remember that males and females are "wired" differently, so to speak. They both react to situations differently, and your storey does not contradict the fact that yes, girls mature around 18 moths to 2 years ahead of guys.

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I don't understand why people have to bring sex into being mature or not. I think its all about life experiences and how you deal with them. People deal with things differently, it dosen't have anything to do with whether you are male or female.


From my experiences girls are not anymore mature than guys, it just depends on the person. I have dated a couple of girls that are older than me, they still act the same as the girls thats my age or even younger. It is obsurd to put a number on how much more mature girls are....


18 month to 2 years? give me a break....

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O i know skyteph ya i know i dont have any confidence.Im just saying that when i look at girls they dont look over at all or give me one glance.So thats why i think its because im ugly.Its like why do girls get all excited when a hot guy looks at them? then an ugly guy looks at them and they get all weirded out.I have one word "shallow",Thats all i can quite possibly think of.With how things keep staying.I know i wont ever have a girlfriend ever in my life.And i wont ever experience the feeling of love and having kids.Mostly because im ugly.

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Shinobie, if these girls are shallow like you said, why do you let it bother you? Are these shallow girls who are so caught up on appearance that they ignore the real person inside really the kind of girls you want to associate with? Instead of wondering why these shallow girls won't look your way, start telling yourself that you are too good for them and that one day they will be kicking themselves for ignoring you. Sometimes to address a problem you have to adjust the way you look at it. Its not you, its them.


Ever thought that girls are looking at you, there just doing a better job of hiding it so they don't get caught. Maybe the girls you attract are the shy ones who are scared to say anything. I believe you've said before that you like those kind of girls. That's the hard part in two shy people getting together, the initial getting together. I'm speaking from experience, no girl ever noticed me when I was your age. That didn't mean I was ugly. It meant that the right girl hadn't come along. But once one girl showed interest in me, several started to. You'll experience the same thing I bet. It may take awhile, but whoever the lucky girl is will be worth the wait.

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Its like why do girls get all excited when a hot guy looks at them? then an ugly guy looks at them and they get a weirded


For the same reason you'd get excited if a "hot" girl looked at you! It'd make you feel attractive, and it makes us feel attractive when it happens. Really they aren't that shallow, if you saw a good-looking girl checking you out, I'm sure you'd be a bit excited just as they are! You were being a bit hypocritical when you think about it.


And they way someone looks can change when they get a boost of self-esteem. An average looking guy can make himself look way better if he struts into a room with confidence, doesn't care how many, or how few girls want him, and feels that if one girl doesn't like him, who cares, plenty more will! It doesn't really seem that you're trying to get self-esteem, you're just too worried about girls liking you. Trust me, no girl will go near you unless you start loving yourself.


Every time you make a post doubting yourself you are actually MAKING THE CHNACE OF GETTING A GIRL WORSE! You're telling your self that you are UGLY and that YOU HAVE NO CHANCE. If you think you're ugly and worthless, so will everyone else. If you want people to think you're good looking, YOU need to start thinking it first. YOU need to start caring about yourself. YOU need to gain self-esteem. Only YOU can change what people think of you.


A wise person once said something along the lines of, Always rate highly of yourself, the world looks at you from your own estimate.

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and your storey does not contradict the fact that yes, girls mature around 18 moths to 2 years ahead of guys.


To be honest, I'd disagree. I skipped several years of school, and always hung out with older kids, and was always mature for my age back then, and thought most kids my own age were immature. Looking at them, I think boys and girls were both equally immature (some people more mature than others, but gender didn't seem to be what was distinguishing) just they were mature and immature in different ways.

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Now what about guys being interested in older women? Anyone have an answer to that?


I always dated above my age, with just one exception. I guess I can only find a girl on a similar wavelength who is older. But it's more maturity than age. When I was high school age, I was very repulsed by the typical immature teenage girl who treated high school like the world, and I just didn't consider any girls who acted like that, even if they were older. It was a bit frustrating for me though, cause when I crossed the line from average looking to good looking a few years back, I think most older women saw me as boytoy material, when I'd actually be wanting a more serious relationship.


As for the original topic, generally age makes a guy appear more masculine, which is why older guys are more attractive to women. Youth is more feminine which is why it's more common for guys to be attracted to younger females.

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