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women don't flirt with me

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i'm asian btw and i noticed that women as a whole don;t flirt with me or show any interests this is espcially with asian women most of em are quite and shy and they aren't very talktive. i donlt think i had a asian gal all smiling and flirty wiht me ever if it was its was just friends kind of way. how about ui guys. i hear guys in some other forums and this one too saying women flirting with em and teasing em and talking to em .... well it never happens to me. most gals just talk to me like normally and thats it nothing more or less.

are women as a whole more consverative nowadays- go to college in my 20's. i also find that as a guy i have to put a lottt of effort on my part to get to now the girl or if not they won't notice me or anything. is it that hard

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i noticed that women as a whole don;t flirt with me or show any interests

Sometimes it depends on where you are, and the kind of vibe you give off. In some places (bars, clubs, etc.) it is considered more exceptable for people to flirt. Women in general, don't like being too obvious about their feelings for guys, so there may have been girls who "wanted" to flirt with you, yet they couldn't, whether it be because they were extremely shy or they felt the timing and situation wasn't appropriate.


Most times we as men have to initiate these things because we are expected to. Don't ask why or how, just KNOW that it IS this way and you aren't going to change it. Then, start working on striking up conversation, and initiating "flirtyness" yourself. A friend told me a while ago that this girl we knew growing up said she had a crush on me for the longest time. Trust me, she gave me absolutey no reason to think that she ever liked me......some women are just that way.

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some guys are that way too.


Hey, I'm Asian too. And I can get lots of women flirting with me too when I'm in a certain mood. You just have to be easy to approach (look friendly, confident, and sure of yourself) and display some of your attractive personal qualities. Everybody's personal qualities are different, but just be comfortable with who you are and the type of girl's who find you attractive will go up to you.


Golden rule is smile all the time. Not a cheesy smile or a smirk, but just a confident, fun smile.


I admit that I may have an advantage with being good looking, I'm not so sure how much of an advantage that is because I'm short and I tend to think girl's prefer height over a pretty face. But I've seen plenty of not good looking guys having girls flirt with them just because of their other attractive personal qualities.

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