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I'm so stupid! really long... plz reply (take your time)

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I didn't know where I should've posted this... It involves health, personal growth and lots of feelings. And I feel kinda stupid cause I've always wanted to do these things, but I never did... And I feel like mediocre for not doing it... Ok, lets start with the "easy" part:


Personal growth: I wanna do something this summer... something great so that it'll prepare me to make next year be the greatest (since it's senior year... supposedly one of the best years of your life...). Anything really... And I gotta find a "job"... Volunteer work actually. Any ideas (besides hospitals or anything involving kids... not that I have anything against them, it's just that I can barely handle my brother and he's 13 already... so...) on where I could get some service hours? Like there's this library that's going to open up I'm not sure when and I'm gonna ask there today... But if that's not possible, I'd like any suggestions. I also would like to meet more ppl and run into more ppl, whatever man. I also wanna "break free" of this force that holds me down from saying what I want to say or what I mean to say and just let the "true" me from deep inside who usually only surfaces when I'm at home... I only wish I could be like that at all times. Anything helps. And last but not least, I wanna start a band... I'm already taking guitar lessons and I just need to practice a bit more. And well, I dunno where to start... Should I try to convince some friends? I dunno...


Health: I wanna change... Any change would be awesome. This year I've changed my look like 10 times (but like 8 were unintentional, lol... long story). And I wanna lose weight. And I've already started working out... I just hope this time it does work. Any tips on that area would be awesome (tips for lifting + dieting are most welcome... I've already got cardio) .


Finally, emotions: This year was my best year in high school. I finally made some friends, and all that... And well, now that summer's here, unlike everyone else, I'm sad... Sad that I won't be seeing them till august and that next year is the last year... Any ideas on how I can get them to hang out would be great, cause it'd make me feel better. They're the first friends I've had since I moved out of my home country over 3 years ago. I wanna keep it alive and kicking...


If only I got all that accomplished... I finally wouldn't feel like I've wasted my time so much wishing for things (and I'm tired of it... I'm not about to take it anymore...) and actually doing them!! And well, it would just make life easier for me... I just wanna make it happen... Will next year be THE year? Peace.

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Wow! Wow wow wow and wow! really man, I never thought this would happen. Not a single reply! Jesus! And I took all that time typing all this crap... wow! Never new ppl were too busy to type at least a couple of lines in reply. I'm simply speechless... Or dumbstruck... Whatever man, I guess I'll try again later and see if some decent folks can lend me an ear, cause I do lend mine whenever I am helpful (which is not that often, cause I'm pretty much useless anyhow...). Wow man! Later, I guess...

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Hey, I was gonna reply earlier, but I didn't know what to say. That sounds like a great idea.


Join a gym- you'll get in great shape and meet new people.


Find a job at a place you like. You seem to be into music- maybe at a music store? You can meet people there who are into the same music you are, and maybe find someone who will help you start a band, or already is starting a band and can't find anyone.


The library sounds like a great idea. Also, check to see if they have a board that shows what's going on in your community. If they do, you might be able to put up a flyer stating when tryouts will be held for your band.


Not sure if this helps at all, but I hope your senior year turns out as great as you hope it to be.

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hi there! sorry no one has replied (i would have had i been here earlier and i know the feeling of like no one really replying it sux)


anyhoo, as for the 'job' issue. r there any volunteers near you?? i colunteered at the childrens museum and it was A LOT of fun. i know u said u dont want anything having to do with kids but it really is a lot of fun. u dont really have to do much (at least not at the one i worked at) i just walked around and told kids not to climb on things and i had a lot of fun with my co-workers. and well hey if that doesnt float ur boat or u dont havee a kids museums around there, then any museum is fun. maybe an art museum, u could look at pictures all day and maybe discover something no one else has ever noticed *shrug* lol i dunno im just rambling sorta


as for changing, try running and maybe some hair dyes lol. those always seem to get me motivated for change and i see that ur a guy, but still changing ur hair color can b fun and it seems to change peoples personalities sorta. *shrug*


as for ur friends, get all their #'s and emails and sns and just keep in touch and try and get a group together. things will work out =)))

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Find a job at a place you like. You seem to be into music- maybe at a music store? You can meet people there who are into the same music you are, and maybe find someone who will help you start a band, or already is starting a band and can't find anyone.


hey Elila. Well, I never really thought about that... It actually is a pretty good idea, and I could try that. I'll try then. And the gym idea is good, cause


As to what overit said, well, I dunno about the hair dyes, lol. My parents pester me all the time b/c I spike my hair up, and it's already pretty short... So, they say I look like a rock star and they don't like that, and whatever, lol. And well, the running is essential, so yeah, I need to do it (and already started... just need to keep it constant). And well, I've got the sn's of a couple of friends and I could get their numbers too... I'll try to get them to form a small get together just like you suggested, thanks.


Thank you so much for replying. Gave me some other alternatives here lol (I'm not good at thinking them by myself...). Best wishes.

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btw, sorry about this


Wow! Wow wow wow and wow! really man, I never thought this would happen. Not a single reply! Jesus! And I took all that time typing all this crap... wow! Never new ppl were too busy to type at least a couple of lines in reply. I'm simply speechless... Or dumbstruck... Whatever man, I guess I'll try again later and see if some decent folks can lend me an ear, cause I do lend mine whenever I am helpful (which is not that often, cause I'm pretty much useless anyhow...). Wow man! Later, I guess...
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