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i feel so pathethic....

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i haven't posted in awhile but i hope this makes sense. i like this girl and we've been talking for a few months now. last week i wrote her a note saying that i'd like to talk to her more and i even wrote a poem as well. that night she called me and i was glad and all but i had a hard time really saying alot. then on monday i was at the gas station and as i was walking out someone said hey to me it was her. i waved but i don't think i smiled well. then yesterday i saw her on the bus and like the conversation on the phone, i couldn't really say much. i really hate myself cause i'm not like most guys and i'm afraid that i may just end up boring her. i might see her today and ive been praying (something i have a hard doing) that i can find the strength to make a good impression. i wanted to say that she looked good on monday because she was wearing a skirt and i remember her saying she didn't like shwoing her legs but i hope it's not too late or too forward. like i said i am really trying to prove to her i'm a good guy to get to know but i feel so akward and ugly. i guess that's it for now so bye for now

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Girls love confidence. The nervous guy can seem unsure about what he wants, and that makes girls weary. Doblersdream said it in one. Act yourself ! Be yourself, and make sure that you let her see you at your best - thats the way to get results. The benifit is that you don't have to act like anything - so it's pretty easy to do !!! Be yourself - and make sure that you smile big the next time you see her - it's not really that hard - show her you are happy to see her


Hope this helps !

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If she called you, that means she likes you. so she probably isn't going to not like you anymore if you've been stummbling over words. she will understand i'm sure. but yeah, try complementing her, and flirting a little. girls love the attention. and before you talk to her, try the day before thinking of subjects you could bring up, and go from there. i was always shy when it came to talking to boys, but i would think of subjects beforehand, and it was a lot easier.

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