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i cant get him to where i want him!! help

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ok i have been dating this guy for over 4 years weve dated all through high school i just graduated a year ago i know i am kind of young but are relationship is really serious but when i bring up marriage and stuff he says o im not gettin married for a long long time and its like i am ready to settle down i know he loves me and all but weve been together for over 4 years and i just feel like hey u know i love u so much i just feel like im wasting my time .... and he never brings it up its always me to bring it up .. and i want to know if i am wasting my time or what .. how to i get him to commit .. please help i am so confused

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Agreed! Don't waste your youth in marriage. Live, explore life, and enjoy yourself. You have lots of time. Don't complicate life with marriage because next you'll have kids and then your freedom is gone. As a rule, no one should be married before 25 because you are still discovering who you are.

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I completely disagree with the posts by people saying you have to be 25 or so to get married. Age doesn't define love and commitment. However, in your case, it seems your bf has been honest with you.


If you want more, and he has clearly decided he does not want that, then why are you wasting your time? If it's not going anywhere, and from what you've posted it seems it isn't, then why waste the energy?

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