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i'm turning 17 and i need to move out

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i have to major of differences from my parents that i need to move out as soon as possible. we have huge religious differences and the relationship with my fiance, (that they don't know about), is suffering as a result. i live in nebraska. i was wondering when the legal age to move out without parental consent is. i will either be moving in with my fiance and his family or with my best friend's family. so i won't be on my own by any means. i know my parents will fight to get me to stay, but i can't. is there any possible way for me to move out at 17? i don't want to have to take this to court or anything, so please help.

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anythings possible...


i moved out at 16..... but now many many years later, im back home.


think it over.


and to be honest.. research it within ur states legal laws and what to do rather than post here. i can give advice about feelings and what i may feel is the best to do.. but laws, tangible things should be researched.



think it over some more. this may not be the best move...


hindsight is always 20/20

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legal age to move out without parental consent is.



while the other answers are nice, the right answer to this question is 18 or whenyou get yourself emancipated by a judge by proving you (you alone) can provide for all of your needs, food, shelter, clothing, school etc.

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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 9:24 pm Post subject:

You should contact your local child protective service and ask them what the age limits are in your area. In some states you can leave at 16 and parents can't do anything.



This is wrong- there is no state where you can just leave without your parents consent. Do contact local authorities, then you will know which of the advice you have received is correct.

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party_of_italy may not be located in the United States. Other countries have different laws of emancipation so it may very well be possible for her to move out at 17.


party_of_italy please check your local laws and ask a government agency for the answer you need.

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If you're in America it's 18, and the police WILL arrest you if you run away. As for being emancipated ... you better have a job, and you need to prove extreme circumstances (arguing is not extreme circumstance...)


The only other option is to prove some type of abuse, physical or sexual, in which case you'd become property of DCFS and you might get a harsh reality check in that case.


How bad can it be for 1 more year? Religious differences? ... ? Just don't talk about religion then?

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