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I am very depressed and on the edge. My life has hit an all time low. I have no friends, my girlfriend (my onlyfriend) broke up with mr. I am a faliure in school and in life. I want to die. I hate my self, my life and everything to do with life. If anyone cares to help me then tell how to pull it together becasuse i will only put up with it for so much longer. I need some one to keep me alive. Please save me from myself.

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you need to talk with a counselor, just to get these things off your chest. having feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or others is not a good thing, as you know. i know it's hard for you to believe this now, but things will get better. you need to do some things that you find enjoyable, hang out with friends you enjoy. keep your mind focused on the good things that are out there. you;ll meet someone else. be patient. you need to be patient, and think of how things will be when this dark period is passed.

remember: this too shall pass.

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Dont worry man we go through this all the time.I too have barely any friends and never had a gf.What helps me is these pills i take.They are anti depressants called lithium.Have u ever thought of taking pills?they really do help.I also listen to music i like a lot like the killers and linkin park and that makes me happy for some strange reason.For what reason did ur gf break up with u.Can u try to get another one?Yes not having a gf makes me very sad too and haunts me too.But u got to forget about that or either try to get another one.Do u go out at all and socialize.Or do u stay at home like me?Is there anything that makes u confident at all?If so can u keep ahold of that and use that to gain support for yourself?Sorry imma bad helper with posting but try to keep yourself alive we care for you even though we dont know you.

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I know that it's hard when you feel like you have no friends. Some advice that was given to me to find some friends is to go out and do something you enjoy. If you enjoy art, take an art class and you'll meet people with your same interests. It's much easier to make friends in a "common interest" place then in some coffee shop. It's going to be ok...

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there is one story i like it could help u...


A student of a zen master, went to the master and told him: i cant concentrate in meditation, ialways thinking about something else and i cant really get deep into it i feel so bad.. so the master just told him: it will pass and left.


After 2 weeks the student came again to the master and told him: master, i now can concentrate very good in meditation and really iam the best now.. I could stay focused for a long time...


The master just told him: it will pass..


So what u need to learn from this story is that there is nothing constant in life except change.. everything goes up and down.. u just have not to give up.. u need to have a burning spirit which can handle anything.. u need to have a burning heart.. It is just a battle of wills. Life is full of rise and falls, u can feel that ur life is all (falls) but its ok .. believe me it will pass..

if also u believe in god, u have to ask him and let him help u.. he is the most powerful.. hope u feel better

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don't give up, this will pass. you will get over this and find someone who will treat you the way you should be treated. you're young, i promise, you will meet so many awesome people and so many new experiences. please don't give up yet.


here's a reason: it's not worth it! you're so young, really. things CAN change, just continue to hang in there. i've been there, i know it's hard. school is hard, i agree..but school won't last forever. continue to live. one day you will be out in the world and you can live your own life and you will meet all kinds of people and see all kinds of places. don't give up. please. there is help out there. you sound like a very smart, wonderful person. talk to someone about how you're feeling. if you need to, contact an emergency help number here


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don't give up, you're so young, you can get through this. the world will not remain an ugly place. we understand you here and so do many others! you will not feel this way forever, i promise.


before you really hurt yourself, please remember that you WILL NOT feel this way forever. i know things are hard right now, believe me, i've been there. but you will get through this. don't hate yourself for mistakes made in the past. that's the past, forget about it. just make sure you're around to live in the future. no one's perfect. believe, you're not alone. there are people out there that can help you. please talk to someone about how you're feeling. it's awesome that you're talking about it here, but you can talk to other people like your friends, family, a therapist, etc. there is help. don't give up, it's not worth it. hey,

hang in there, you're gonna be ok. life is hard sometimes, believe me i've had these same feelings. but believe me, suicide is NOT worth it. you're NOT going to feel like this forever. growing up is hard, but i promise very soon there will come a day when you feel much better. you're so young, don't give up now. it's really not worth it. for now try to do things that make YOU happy. watch good movies, listen to good music, hang out with friends, TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING, write, read, exercise, take a walk (it's supposed to help depression). you know, try to occupy your time with things that make you happy. we're all here for you here. we all care about you. you're a special person in our eyes . please just hang in there, you are going to feel better. and again, don't be afrad to talk to more people about the way you are feeling. they are there to help you. remember, you are loved! please don't give up, you've got so much life left to live. and please don't cut yourself either. that can be so dangerous. there are healthier ways of dealing with it i promise. hey

i'm here for you, we all are. you're not alone, remember that. try your

best to stay strong and get through this, because i know you can. i've been

there. make sure you stay away from everything that can cut you. get rid

of it, throw it away. tell some people about this so that they can help you

too. stay away from anything that could trigger you. watch good movies,

write, read, listen to music, TALK TO SOMEONE, exercise, go for a walk, etc.

never be afraid to ask for help, because there are people out there that

can help. it's wonderful you want to talk to us, but there are other people

out there too i promise. you're going to be ok. if you do end up cutting,

remember, stay away from wrists and scary places like that.


contact me or anyone here if you want!,


you're not alone! PLEASE check out these sites, they really help


oh yeah, where are you from?


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take care!!

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