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Is this a sign of depression

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Hi, again

I know I write alot. What can I say...I need help.

Ok well I go to boarding school and we only have 2 weeks left. I hate it here so much. I don't have many friends because I don't talk to many people anymore. I did at the beginning of the year and had really good friends. In the winter I was out for 3 months because I broke my arm in three places and shaddered it in two and was able to move for 7 weeks and then had to do phical theropy for the rest of the time. While I was recovering my best firend got kicked out. Then when I came back to school my world as I new it died. My other friend became a b*tch. Now i find myself sitting in my room for hours staring blankly at my computer. I don't have many friends at home since my parents sent me to private school since I was 7 and I have grown apart from old school mates. I don't really know what to do. Im not socially bad I just dont know how to open up to people that already are in groups. Next year finally im going to go to public school.... sigh great new start for me!! But what should I do now. On the weekends my best friend has horseshows and my bf dumped me I have no life



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Im feeling something similar to your situation also. "your not alone" Ive sprained my knee on march 12 on my senior trip. I couldn't play in my tennis team anymore. Its over now. Just recently my gf broke up with me and went out with my friend 4 days later!! really hurt so much. My friends even kept this information away from me and no one was willing to support me. All they did was pointing out was my mistakes etc. So I rather be lonely then to have these false friends but its not easy. My days are filled with up's and down's. Im glad im going to college and getting a new start even i believe 2 of my friends are going to the same college. 1 of them is currently going out with my ex I wouldn't say this is depression unless you've been like this for 5 months now. Everyone gets depressed here and there. Just hang in there and keep you head up high.

Feel free to Private message me or im me if you like

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Hi there... I understand your feeling of loneliness... I went to an all-girl boarding school for two years... I was 15/16 at the time... and I hated it. I had never felt so alone. I couldn't concentrate and almost flunked out. To this day I still have a few recurring nightmares about that place. I also had a hard time intergrating myself into new groups of people. The only support I can give you is that this loneliness won't last forever... and I guess that's not alot of advice for you... I just can sympathize with what you are going through. *hugs*

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