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Need advice on friend. I have a crush on her.

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I have a crush on my best friend ('B'). We've been friends for 5 years and I want to tell her that I like her. Can I have a few ways to do this?


'B' is smart, beautiful and has a beautiful personality. They say nothing is perfect but to me she is perfect.


All posts are highly appreciated. And I wasn't too sure on where to put this.

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firstly, how long have you had this crush on 'B' ? and if its only been a few weeks/months i would wait until you definatly know its not just a little crush cause you dont want to ruin your relationship as friends...


so my advice is wait! and if you wait and decide you still want to tell her atleased you'll have time to try and make it perfect


good luck!

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She's your friend, take in mind that she might not like you that way. But if you think she does, then tell her what you put here: You're a beautiful girl, inside and out. Tell her in person, don't hide behind notes or a telephone call. Oh, and it might seem better if it's not at school. Something about confessing your feelings over the chatters and shouts in a cafeteria just ruins the mood.

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