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i have posted my issues here in the past and things have gotten better. Alot better and i want to thank you all.


but why im wrinting is. i have a idea i want to write down a story and tell the tale of her and mine life together. but im afraid that when and if i do that ill resurface feelings and im afraid that ill slip back into depression...


give me ur thoughts.

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i think if its just recently that you broke up, it might be a good thing to write the story - it might be like a "cleansing" thing for you - its a good way to experience grief, which is essential to healing.


if its been a while, and you've alreadly healed alot, then, yah - i'd be worried about resurfacing bad feelings too. but the thing is, if feelings resurface, then it means you haven't healed yet!


so both ways, i think you should do it, i.e., if you haven't healed, this will help you heal. if you have healed, then you might get a movie out of this! hah!

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No way man, take the time you would use to write instead to work on finding new adventures to write about. You sound far enough along where you shouldn't try and relive your past experience.


Plenty of things to keep your mind off of her and the relationship, including new chicks...

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i'm no writer, but i use to love writing. my english teacher back in highschool use to say that although my grammar could be improved, and overall, the structure of it, he always loved my writing because it had feeling. and that's why i love writing back when i was young - i could just write my heart out, whatever was in my mind, whatever i was feeling, i'd write about it.


inspiration comes from everywhere - heartache, joys, whatever. write whatever you feel - that's the best writing in the world i think. do you think when graham greene was writing his famous romantic novel - i forgot what its called, but it was made into a movie, that he said to himself - well, i'm not going to write on this subject or else might become depressed? no.

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I say go for it. I am trying to adapt my own story to a film. It's very hard reliving the worst moments again, but in a way you do gain some closure by re-examining everything. It really depends on how it makes you feel when you do it. I constantly have to stop because of the pain it causes, but it could be worthwhile.

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